I'm getting real close to catching that sucka!

Not trying to call you a liar or anything, but if you know who he is (and have solid proof?) why not confront him at a meeting publicly to crucify him? I would hope that once everyone knew this, and he was humiliated in public, it would teach him a lesson. HH

I am not a member of that club. I don't think showing up as a guest and pointing a finger at this guy is going to go well. Would you? I doubt confronting him on the beach will help either. What can you do? I can't punch him in the face. I can't damage his detector or his truck. I might like to punch him in the face but really, is that worth what he did? I think we are just pi$$ed someone in the hobby would be an a hole. People who throw nails, screws, bobby pins and other junk on the beach have no place in our hobby. I mentioned his club in hopes they will police their own.
Maybe try contacting the Club leader, and tell him what the club member is doing.
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