Treasure tales of the strange kind

Cherry Picker

Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2006
Dodge City KS
Have you ever found something good under strange circumstances? Heres one of mine involving how the treasure was found.

When I was about 9 years old I was playing with a friend in an open field just off the Santa Fe Trail with a boomerang. I had thrown the boomerang and it didn't quite make it back to me. When I went to retrieve it it had stuck in the ground and as I pulled it up popped a huge gold ring where it had hit the ground.

This thing was big. I could stick 2 of my fingers in it and still move it around. It had a scull and crossbones, made of gold, set in what was probably onyx because I remember it being black. On the sides were lions. I took the ring home to my parents and they suggested I put it away for safe keeping until I was older.

Many years later I remembered the ring and asked about it but my mom was unable to find it. She thought either one of us boys, there was 6 of us, had taken it to play with and lost it, or my oldest brother had hocked it. Anyway, this was the very first treasure and was found with a $2 dollar piece of wood. I wish I had a chance now to do some research on that thing. The location it was found meant it could have been very old.
When a friend was 12 years old he was watching the city workers trench for a sewer line in front of his house. After a while he saw something in the trenched dirt and went to see. It turned out to be about 16 silver dollars in an old jar. He kept these and they got him interested in coin collecting and today - at 55 years of age - he's had a successful coin shop in my city for several decades. steve in so az
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