Excalibur issue?


Elite Member
Sep 22, 2011
Hastings, MN
Is the coil on this thing supposed to be sealed?

If I rock mine back and forth, I hear a ton of sand flowing from side to side.
i'm far from an expert but i would think that any submersible coil should be sealed, if after you take off the coil cover and you hear sand actually moving inside the coil i'd be willing ta bet that isn't good :lol:
It's definitely supposed to be sealed. I've never heard anything move around inside my bbs or tornado coils. It should be sealed solid w/ epoxy on the bottom.
If the bottom of your coil is yellow,the coil cover is still on.If coils spring a leak,you won't be detecting long.Coil cover pulls right off if you got fingernails.
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