Permission Letters


New Member
Feb 21, 2010
Port wentworth,Ga
Does anyone know were I can find Permission letters to metal detect at? I got asked by the police if I had permission to be metal detecting were I was.I said I had verbal and he said it would be better if I had it in writing.
Thank you
What would be even better is if he would stop harassing people that metal detect and go after people actually causing trouble.

Besides writing it up yourself I don't know where you would get one.
getting permission in writing is a good idea depending on where you are of course. also check w/ local parks and rec. to see if there are any existing rules on MD or anything similar to it.
Getting permission in writing is a can of worms. People don't like to sign things.

If you have the property owner's email address (and you already have his oral permission), send him an email saying something like "I plan on doing some metal detecting at (address) later this week. Just checking to be sure it's okay."

He will email you back "Sure," and you print this exchange out and keep it in your pocket.

If he doesn't have email, you have a stonger case if you know his name and tell the policeman, "Yes sir, a friend of mine named John Smith owns this property and I have his permission to detect here whenever I'm in the area. I have his phone number here if you'd like to call him."
He is right that it would be better to have it in writing, but if you are on private property there isn't much he can do about it unless he has cause to believe you are breaking the law. He may be recommending that because he has come across so many "he said she said" situations that he knows how people's memories of the agreement can differ. I'd say the biggest reason to get written permission is if you find something very valuable your agreement can specify what happens with it. There is nothing like finding a $20 gold piece to give a property owner amnesia!

If you are talking about public land then definitely get written permission if you are already going to the trouble to get permission in the first place.
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