New To Detecting...

... I was also concerned about getting the ok from someone who is not an official. ....

Sure. This is a possibility. There's been stories posted that amount to the following: Someone thinks they need permission (or to "inquire about permits", etc...) from a city or whatever. They ask hither and yonder and find someone who tells them "go ahead". Eg.: a gardener, a clerk at the front desk, a passing cop, etc.... So the md'r heads out to go detecting.

But is later accosted by a griper. The md'r proudly whips out his "name to drop" or his "permission". But guess what ? Whomever is there now simply announces that the prior person didn't have that authority, or was mistaken, etc...

Let's face it Mojorisen: We are in an odd hobby. That has ... uh ... "connotations". That you might be about to leave a hole, or "take" something, etc.... So you have to grow a thick skin. You might have to go at low traffic times and avoid those who "might gripe". Kind of like nose-picking: Not illegal, nor does anyone "ask permission", but ... sheesk, we all still sort of use discreet timing, so as not to offend the squeemish, eh ?

So too is m'ding in nice manicured turf: You're simply not going to please every last person on earth. And no amount of asking permission ahead of time is going to change that . In fact, it often only makes it work (a "rule" or whimsical answer, to address your "pressing question").

Some buddies of mine have been scrammed from a few So. CA turf spots. They just give lip service, give that one spot a "rest" and .... well.... ya know. But in-so-far as any general over-arching rule for any of the So. CA cities, there are no specific rules. It would fall under "alter/deface" or "harvest/collect/remove", etc.... And only then so, if someone were having a bad hair day, or you were sticking out like a sore-thumb , etc...
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