Personal Goal Met


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2014
central pa
This may seem like much to a lot of you fellow diggers but today marks a milestone for me. After 32 years of detecting this is the first year that I have dug at least One coin in all 12 months of the year.Here in the middle of Pennsylvania it is usually Feb.or March that stops the string but this past year I was able to get out and dig.Today I went out and made it official by digging 5 pennys and a dime....before my coil died.It has been a while since I charged my xp so its my fault but am still happy being able to fulfill what I set for the year. Along the way I did dig some new objects that I have not done in the past...with my 10 civil war buttons and a seated dime.I have dug 4 or 5 deated half dimes but never a full dime.Maybe next season I will be able to get out more and have some new uncoveries. Sorry no pics but this is just written with a bit of pride and not bragging.
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