How far do coins and rings travel in the surf/ocean?


Elite Member
Jan 19, 2013
Finger Lakes, NY
Many posts and results of jewelry/coins rate of sinking into the sand, sand removal and replenishment by both man and nature.

My question is- What about items moving laterally up or down the coast? Are there known distances (from ship's manifest) that Spanish coins have moved with the currents? What about modern rings? Have there been rings found that were a considerable distance from the known drop spot?
It is theory that once gold rings hit the sand the only direction they travel is down. This is because of their weight and surface design. Because coins have a flat surface and are lighter in weight they can be pushed by water. Here on the east coast Coin Beach is a good example. There was a post yesterday about a coin found from the Faithful Stewart. I don't think coins travel any great distances. After all the Faithful Stewart sank a hundred yards off shore.
I think it depends on the current alot, i've heard stories of gold rings being found hundreds of yards from where they were dropped. When you're talking about something from a wreck that has been there a looooong time i'd imagine that distance can be a good ways...
I dont know that i agree rings just sink or get covered up. Yet are there are a lot of things that affect any targets movement. Depth location, surface, separation by weight, summer vs winter tides, storms/longshore drift, even design or K could affect it. The beach is a living thing..... constantly moving... it makes a cut and by that evening its gone and everything is buried. I know there are certain locations on the beach that tend to produce repeatedly and i dont think its because 3 people dropped their rings in that very location.

Yes, probably it varies with each beach or item, whether its a coin or ring. :)
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