$12,000. Worth of silver quarters!

Those don't look like hand rolled coins, but rather machine rolled. Unless this guy has access to a machine coin roller, I'd call this a hoax story.
Those don't look like hand rolled coins, but rather machine rolled. Unless this guy has access to a machine coin roller, I'd call this a hoax story.

It's just a different style of hand roll. They come pre-folded on one end where you can see the coin and open on the other for you to put coins into. Once you've filled it, you fold down and tape the open end. Here's an example, look at the picture of the box to see the end shown in this story.
Not unheard of. I have a friend who's dad had many 5 gal buckets full of silver coins, US and Mexico. Hoarded them knowing they'd go up in value i guess.
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