What's the most change you've found in a single hole?

Shoot I have no clue but not that much, maybe a buck at best but probably more like 85¢... i keep good records but none of coin spills....
This past Monday, I went to a popular river spot right near my place. There was trash everywhere, which was infuriating because I fish and swim here. Supposedly it was absolutely packed over the previous weekend with the triple-digit temps here.

Anyway, in one "hole" (more of a pile in the sand than a hole) I found (4) $1 coins and (6) quarters. That's the most for me - $5.50.
Shoulda kept track

I don,t remember counting exactly, but I once found a few bucks, maybe $8 or 9 or so worth modern coinage all burnt up in an old fire pit in a campground. Maybe half was salvageable.
Besides that, little bundles of coins are always fun! Less than a dollar in one hole for me so far.
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