Ghost town hunt


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Oct 6, 2008
Thinking of putting a ghost town hunt trip together @ Mt. Ranier, Washington state next month (NOV). Anyone interested in going, Let me know and I will give you the details. Keep checking back for details Let me know the best weekend for you and I'll figure this out. WOLF

I might be interested, I am in south east oregon. Send me some info and we will go from there.
O.K. so I'm thinking Nov. 8 or the 15. Let me know what day is better. Todds Sounds like he may go also. Also let me know what time you want to meet. I'll figure a meeting spot. Most likely the Dennys on Pacific Ave just off HWY 512. Hey Gander can you post a pick on here of the ghost town I PMed you about thanks. If not I'll try to get one on here. I'm as green with computers as I am Detectors. WOLF
This is the Ghost Town hunt coming up in November.

is a ghost town in Pierce County, Washington, USA. The town was founded in 1900 when the Northwest Improvement Company, a subsidiary of Northern Pacific Railway, started the Melmont coal mine.The town consisted of a schoolhouse, a train depot, a saloon, a hotel (which housed the post office, a butcher shop, and store), and rows of cottages that were used as housing for the miners. Each row accommodated a different nationality, the miners being seemingly self-segregated.The coal was used exclusively for use by Northern Pacific, and when they switched from steam locomotives to diesel and electric models, the economic base of the town was destroyed.
The townsite of Melmont. The field looks flat, but there are several pits and mounds that mark buildings. The large one in the center of the frame is probably the remnants of the hotel or the depot basements, or it could be a crater. In 1905, the foreman's house was bombed by a disgruntled mine worker, but there were no fatalities.
After abandonment, buildings in town not salvaged for construction materials were destroyed by a 1920s forest fire.

2527023532_292b4ccd02.jpgNow and ThenMelmont School 2.jpg
Picture of the old school in Melmont

The railway grade used to hike to Melmont, an abandoned coal mining town. In places, it is hideously muddy, especially with the constant rain.
This should be an interesting hunt to follow if you post your adventures. I would suspect most on the site look forward to following this as you post about it.
Thanks for posting the PICS gander. This town is actually @ mile down the right of way. The mud aint that bad their is detours around some of the bad spots. I went for about an hour one day and found a pocket knife. Westernlegend- Unless someone else brings a digital camera I wont be able to post any PICS. I will let everyone know how the hunt went and who went.WOLF
My friends 40th B-day party is Nov 8, so I can't go that day. I might be able to make the 15th.
O.K. so we will shoot for the15th. Somebody bring a camera. I got a good feelin about this one. I've got a few Ideas. I will post @ 3-4 days before with meeting spot and time. We could car-pool up there to save some gas. Cant wait. WOLF P.S. If I'm wrong please dont hang me from the old oak tree.
Wow... nice pics... I like the "now and then" comparison pic.
It allows you to visualize very well.

Good luck out there guys!!
O.K. so looks like the new and official date is the 16th of nov. We will meet at the dennys on pacific Ave where it goes over Highway 512. I'm thinking nine A.M for a departure time. WOLF
O.K. so looks like the weather is going to cooperate for our hunt. Everybody cross your fingers and say a prayer for us. WOLF
I've got my wife's new digital camera and I just put a new roll of film in it. All charged and ready to go. The hardest part was getting the darn thing open, but I managed.
Thanks for the well wishes mister. Only a couple more days. I'll be driving a red dodge dakota 4X4. See you guys there. WOLF
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