I may have a problem


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Apr 24, 2007
Orlando, FL
My wife called me at work this morning to tell me about something that happened last night. She said that last night I woke her up by yelling, "Get away from there, that's my treasure!", while I was still asleep. She said I kept yelling at someone to stay away from my treasure, in a very angry tone, apparently. :roll:

She said that I eventually calmed down, but then kept saying, "Hmm" quite a bit, as if I were examining something. Unfortunately, I don't remember any of it. I think she's getting kind of fed up with my treasure hunting.

So, do I need an intervention? Do I need to seek professional help? Do I need to do more detecting? You be the judge.
You need to go back to sleep and find out where the treasure was and go get it !!!!!!!:lol:
My wife called me at work this morning to tell me about something that happened last night. She said that last night I woke her up by yelling, "Get away from there, that's my treasure!", while I was still asleep. She said I kept yelling at someone to stay away from my treasure, in a very angry tone, apparently. :roll:

She said that I eventually calmed down, but then kept saying, "Hmm" quite a bit, as if I were examining something. Unfortunately, I don't remember any of it. I think she's getting kind of fed up with my treasure hunting.

So, do I need an intervention? Do I need to seek professional help? Do I need to do more detecting? You be the judge.

It might be time for a separate bedroom ;) Good thing you don't call out other womens names you would really be in hot water :lol:
Thats very strange I had the same dream a few days. I my dream I found a "treasure chest" and when I was just going to pick it up a guy came with this huge sand scoop like the one Max use... He yeld "Get away from there, that's my treasure!", he scared me off and I ran away... I turn around and saw him holding a handful of golden... Pull tabs
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