EGD Exam -- Excellent Results


Elite Member
Feb 16, 2012
I have been having trouble swallowing food. So it was decided I have an Endoscopy Exam. That was today! ALL CLEAR! They did stretch the esophagus. They checked all the way to the small intestines. Nothing found! No cancer or any abnormalities!
Glad to hear of the good report. I had the stretch job done twice as I had nearly departed this earth due to being choked. Thankfully a friend was able to do the Heimlich maneuver.

The swallowing problem persisted and I had to have a diverticula repaired in my esophagus. Thankfully Surgeon was able to do the job thru a scope
KT's wife has lived with this condition for many years....acid reflux and GERD. May I suggest a wedge pillow? This will help aleve the nightly problem of laying horizontal. If you cannot afford one, get 4 standard bricks. Put one under each side on the head of your bed. If you have no relief, put a second one in there. You want the head of the bed elevated enough to help prevent the reflux when you sleep.

Best of luck, PennyFinder!:D
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