1960's Houses


New Member
Jun 6, 2012
So I have a question for everyone. I live in a relatively new area of Georgia, with most of our construction being in the late 90's and 2000. I do have numerous houses in the area that are from the 1960's though. So I was wondering if would be worth it to hunt on these grounds. Anyone's thoughts?
I would say so. In your every-day change you'll likely find coins from the 60s and 70s which are 40+ years old so if you think about the change people carried in the 1960s they'd still be pocketing around coins from the 20s and 30s if not earlier. Plenty of potential for some lost change that wasn't old then, but sure is now.
If the houses were built in the early 60's, there might be some silver in the yards...if they're from the late 60's, there probably won't be any silver coins. Now, there could have been something there way before the 1960's, so research the area in question. Good luck!
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