

New Member
Jan 22, 2019
Hello, I'm new here and know nothing about detecting. I would like some advice about detecting a bullet in a dead cow. I am a farmer and want to rule out this possibility with two dead cows I have had lately. It's below 0 here with lots of snow and a day or two going by before things are seen so a bullet lodged in a cow would not necessarily be bleeding or even noticeable until some infection occurs. This isn't simple. Advice please. Thankyou. Mark
Going to be kind of hard. You will have to cut into the cow and spread the internals out. Once that it done it should be no problem. Just go over the internals and other areas where you think there might be a bullet. Just keep in mind that it will only detect around 7-10" MAX. So you may have to cut up the cow farther to really go over it.
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