

New Member
Feb 25, 2010
Eastern, Ky.
I think i have found a vein of pyrite, but according to the dectector its showing some iron, silver and gold i believe. This was found with coal, and from what ive searched around the net most pyrite is in the form of chunks or pieces. Is this true? or is pyrite formed in both veins and chunks. According to my research pyrite can contain gold and silver but do you guys have any good ideas that would allow me to determain, other than pyrite should smell like sulphur. The vein is in the center of the rock so sniffing is out of the question:?: the vein looks silver looking with gold stream running through the center. If iam able i will post a pic. Thanks for any help.
I remember collecting it when I was a kid, usually in chunks about the size of a thumbnail. Typically pyrite is found with coal and quartz veins. A picture would help if you can post one.
Yep, usually in chunks, however, the chunks, like alluvial gold, have a source. The 'vein' you have located could well be such a source. Can you extract a couple of pieces? If so, have it tested (better yet, buy your own kit and test it - always best to keep these things secret). If it does contain gold (or silver), then you can work the vein yourself. Hmmm... assuming property rights do not come into play. RickO
cube shaped

The pyrite I have seen had cube shapes to it . I think you usaully find it around igneous rock . Meaning volcanic or rocks formed from heat. I guess the cube shape would be a crystal form of pyrite. Maybe what you found is schist , lead , or silver.
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