Free Range Chicken Eggs


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2010
North DFW, TX
I was raised on a farm and the eggs there were rich in yellow yolk and tasty! I recently bought 2 dozen locally and found the sizing all over the chart. The small eggs have rich yolks but the rest are like store bought-en eggs.

Why do you buy free range chicken eggs? Bout three times the price as store.
We've had hens for all of the 17 years we've lived here...a flock of 10 birds will give us three to four dozen eggs a week, we sell for $2/doz. Folks rave about free-range eggs, can't beat the taste!
I grew up with chicken, duck, goose, and guinea fowl eggs on the farm. Every day was like Easter for us kids. Half the birds used the coop, the rest laid them in the pine straw or along the banks.
I do love some free range eggs, but nowadays they are a bit too rich for my liking. Have to do the store bought's most of the time. But for cakes and the like, you cant come close to the taste of farm fresh eggs in the batter.
I musta got a lame batch. I noticed right off the yolks were pale. The sizing was all over the charts. I grew up enjoying farm eggs.

Ii expected the brown ones to be rich. Oh well.
I was raised on a farm and the eggs there were rich in yellow yolk and tasty! I recently bought 2 dozen locally and found the sizing all over the chart. The small eggs have rich yolks but the rest are like store bought-en eggs.

Why do you buy free range chicken eggs? Bout three times the price as store.
Free-range doesn't always mean the same thing to everyone. Hens typically stay close to their food source, usually store-bought GMO feed. Most farms and backyard coops care for these kinds of birds (non-caged). True free-range pastured birds eat their natural food such as insects, grains and grass. I sometimes throw in a butchered deer carcass towards the coop and the birds love the fresh protein.

The eggs you buy in the store are sometimes over a month old, and they are possibly bleached.

Free range eggs may contain:

-1/3 less cholesterol
-1/4 less saturated fat
-2/3 more vitamin A
-twice as much Omega-3 fatty acid
-7 times more Beta Carotene
-3 times more vitamin E
Free range. Reminds me of a Michigan joke.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To prove to the possum and the racoon it is possible.

(You don't see them all over the road dead)

Never tried free range eggs.
Maybe I should buy some chickens for zombie apocalypse, I have a chicken coop but there's a goat in it.
Maybe I should buy some chickens for zombie apocalypse, I have a chicken coop but there's a goat in it.

Get rid of the goat first. :lol: Them suckers will eat anything. One time I left my board fee for my horse in the barn for the barn owner, and my check was eaten by goats.
My coin store has a silent auction every Wednesday, and one of the guys that comes every week bring the extra eggs from his chickens and puts them on the bid board. So far I have won them every week without completion, but another guy has started eyeing them....
When I was a kid of about 12, I had a flock of Muscovey ducks. I dont know how I came to this, cant remember, anyway....They were pretty much free range, they would make nests and lay eggs all over the place!...Muskoveys can fly too! I would go find the nests and bring the eggs on home to Momma...I had asperations of training one to fly up and land on my arm like some sort of Falcon! I worked at it pretty hard I remember to no avail...thought it would be cool to take a duck to go hunting frogs or something...

In the Winter, I built them a nice little A frame roost out of visqueen and saplings, had it all fenced in etc...I had about 20 head of ducks....Well, one morning I went down there to feed them, and over the night, some dogs had come in and killed every one of them! No survivors!

Thats when I gave up on Duck Ranching...Some of the dead ones I butchered, but they didnt taste very good anyway...

Not learning my lesson, Years later, I accidentally wound up being a Wolf Rancher up in Minnesota..Had 37 of the damn things before I knew it!....I had a different kind of Dog problem now......The wolves would lay a scrap of food near the wire, and let my little stupid farm dogs occasionally reach in for an easy snack...

Then, sure as heck, after the dog thought everything was cool, getting a free nibble of food,...those wolves would grab that dog by the head and rip him right through the Hog wire! It was hard to keep a dog alive around the farm!

I had a worm farm once too!...I was running 30k head of leaf worms and about 20k head of crawlers...That went bust as well for some reason, but at least I didnt have to feed them, worry about them killing my dogs, or listen to any howling!:laughing: The yearly roundup was backbreaking work though! I made a branding iron out of a paperclip...

I'm just no good as a rancher, I cant hardly take care of myself let alone a dumb chicken! I can farm though! I have a bumper crop of dandelions coming up in the yard again this season!...:laughing:
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