Archeer Bluetooth TX RX 4.1 Unit


Elite Member
Oct 24, 2016
Northern Ontario, Canada
Ok Guys I did a video yesterday for the Archeer headset then today I reviewed the transceiver that goes with it...At home while doing the testing I notice no lag...None...However after uploading the video I do see some lag...

My conclusion is this
OK so after uploading this video I SEE LAG...It has to be something to do with the process of playback on the speakers, recording to an external camera, then rendering a movie, then youtube does its thing. There has to be a very small imperceptible delay in this unit. In actual use your brain does not see it. When you do all of the stuff mentioned exacerbates the delay making it noticeable. So yes ....I see it...just know that for in home use watching will not notice it. Thanks for watching.
Go to the 2 min 50 sec mark in the video to see the lip sync test...
watched the footage on my HD again

Ok so I watched the original movie I made on the HD and there is no Lag....!!! youtube....Its bothering me that I went through all the trouble to show my experience at home...and then I can't present it. And I hate people who say TAKE MY WORD FOR IT....anyway. LOL I guess that's all you guys have is my word...:shock:
I know you are snowed in now but once you can get out and test the Bluetooth receiver and headphones under actual use, you will be able to check for any delay. It's hard to check if you can see the target. If it is hidden like under the ground or even inside the house under some cardboard, you will be able to check for any noticeable delay. It doesn't take much of a delay to throw off one's perception.
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