Lightning And The Beach


Elite Member
Aug 10, 2013
I thought I would share this with my fellow beach detectorist. I have been on the beach and in the water when a storm came up. I got out of the water and took cover. Having said that I have seen other people detecting stay out there. Florida is the lightning capitol of the world. Nothing on the beach is worth taking the chance.

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Lightning here likes to hit the ground.... it ca strike several mile in front of the storm even. Couple killed on siesta last year
Last year when it was going to rain in the afternoon I went to the beach to MD with two lighting rods. I looked out in the ocean and kept seeing what I thought was the marker lights on a antenna mast until it hit me that there were no antennas out in the ocean so I got back in the car and left. How I lived I do not know!

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Had the hair on my neck and arms stand up bbefore.. as well as the threshold rising in pitch. It was the electricity searching for a lead.. luckily I wasn't the easiest pathway.
I can actually hear the EMI from approaching storms through the NOX. When for no reason, it goes chatty crazy, it is a storm approaching.
I've done some crazy things in my quest to find gold but I don't take any chances when it comes to lightning. Surrounded by water- check, long conductors in each hand- check, tallest point on a flat terrain- check! Plus I know that I have a better chance of being struck by lightning than finding a thin gold chain! ;)
I can usually tell if their is lightning within 30 or more miles by the noise I get from my machine. When it starts telling me to vacate the area I obey. Cant see being out on the beach with a lightning rod in my hands during an electrical storm. I may be old but I am not in a hurry to quit living. Was leaving the beach one day when I hit a target. Had to dig it and a life guard walked up and said don't go in the water. I assured him that I was on my way off the beach. He wanted to know what I had found and as I dropped it in my pocket i said a junk rink. It was a Pretty piece of 14k junk but he did not need to know.
s s s s s six times I have had lightning strike within feet of me, last time I was on the couch almost asleep and the sidewalk 20 ft away was hit. I screamed, the wife screamed, the dog screamed, and we all jumped up and down a few minutes before we realized we were in fact not dead. No damage at my house but the neighbor lost almost everything that uses electricity.
lightnin 2.jpg

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