Hurricane Lane ~ Hawaii BEST WISHES


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May 25, 2011
Olympia, Washington
First and foremost I am hoping for the residents of Hawaii to be safe while Lane is bearing down on the islands. I have a significant number of friends (MD'ing, military, and civilian - wise) on the islands and wish them and their families all the best riding this one out. I own a house on the North Shore of Oahu, 200 feet from the beach, that I hope survives the weather intact!!!:wow:

Second, dang, I wish I could have the opportunity to check out the beaches post hurricane. Pretty sure that the wave action is going to stir up some really good targets (or bury them further?) post weather.

Best of luck all Hawaii hunters!! Stay safe over the next few days.

Aloha and Mahalo!
Personally, I was hoping Lane would drift a little east to miss HI and give CA a little hope.

Hmmmm....still the same. I noticed no difference from previous hunts I hope there will be some sand movement soon.
Awesome in that so few have been impacted by the storm and unfortunate that it didn't do more to disturb the shoreline.
Just got back home very minnimal sand movement. Managed a Honker silver ring. No butter this time.
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