Waterproof coil DIY ???

Almost all modern coils are supposed to be waterproof. However, sometimes they will develope a leak where the wire goes into the top of the coil, or along the seam on the edge. Inspect these areas, and if you have any doubts at all, seal them with RTV sealent. I have never had a problem with any of my coils getting water in them.
Sorry, Gomrobps.
"DIY" is "do it yourself", huh? :D I was thinkin' that it was a brand name for a minute.
I don't know what it is fabricated from, but a good bet would be a few coats of marine epoxy, sanded between coats, or a fiberglass resin shell then marine epoxy.
Depends on coil type...old non motion P.I. type easy, Off Resonance almost impossible, Double D hard.
Then you have to waterproof it. The receiver coil position in relation to the transmitter coil is critical. A millimetre out wrecks performance. You then have to shield it with foil (some machines use lead foil) to create a faraday shield to block the capacative effect between coil and ground.
The suggested glassfibre and other materials generate heat so the balance is put out of wack again. You could try getting round this by having loops of wire sticking out through the first few coats of resin and re balancing again with resistors.
Even worse is making the lugs so the coil can be tilted. They have to be able to take a great deal of punishment.
I think Ken ?? The bloke who builds Wilson Detectors ie the Coin Select will sell coil shells to make things easier and the finished item would look like a commercial product.
If you want any info about detectors and how they are made, go to http://www. discovercircuits.com/S/s-metal.htm . This is a site with schematics to alot of brands and DIY's I hope it will help.
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