Time to kill


Elite Member
Jun 5, 2014
Tumbleweed Gulch, NM
Next Friday I have to be in town for my annual physical at 9:30 a.m. (should take about an hour). Then I have a dentist appointment at 2:15. Going back home is a 45 minute drive each way so I'd rather not do that. So I was thinking to myself, "What in the word am I going to do from 10:30 until 2:00?" Haha 3.5 hours of detecting in a part of town I've never hunted before!!! Woo Hoo.
Report: I think Ill stick to the parts of town I know. Grand total was $1.45 a house key. Oh well, I filled the time I needed to between appointments and it was a beautiful day to be in the park.
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