How do I ground balance my machine?


Junior Member
May 2, 2006
I emailed white's asking how to ground balance my machine. They responded but I am still somewhat confused as to how to do this. I know where to locate the trimmer but am confused on the rest.What do they mean by "no change from waist high'? Here is their response:

"It is best to set the ground balance. To ground blance lock the trigger foreward and adjust the trimmer (under the USA label) until there is no change from waist high to ground."
get a tone waist high, make sure ground is free of metal. If the tone changes, you got mineralzation or such. try to keep the tone the same. Soil and power lines will make it erratic at times. But not real difficult to do. I use an old whites 5500 series 3. But its just your ears.
As beerdoodle said. I just wanted to add raise it waist high and lock the trigger forward adjust the trim until you hear a slight tone. Lower it to the ground and listen for the tone to change louder or goes silent. Adjust the trim to try and get as little change from waist hight to on the ground.

Once balanced be sure to unlock the trigger to hunt.
in other words , I want the same continuous tone as I lower it from waist high , to the ground?
Actually the best ground balance for performance would be to set it a little positive. In other words as you lower the coil to the ground as it gets to the hunting position or as close to the ground as you want it to hunt with. Set the ground balance so there is very very slight increase in sound. When I say slight I mean just very small increase in audio. This will give you a little more sensitivity on targets.
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