Hello from Ravenna, Ohio



While I think what you guys do is really cool and sure wish I had the time to devote more time to this. I really don't have the time. I'm here for another reason though (see looking for a partner thread, in other post).

I believe I've found somethig.

Nice to meet you folks

Welcome from Texas. You should always make time to relax and enjoy yourself and this hobby is a great way to do that.
Hi Sand and welcome. I am also a Ravenna Relic Hunter. Been trying to find a good partner to go hunting with but no luck so far. Relic and treasure hunting are so much fun I could literally do it everyday! Ravenna is such an old town! Founded in 1798? gotta be a lot of really cool stuff lost over the centuries here. And I've had fair luck so far. I am wanting to start a group and name it "The Ravenna Relic Hunters" kinda hard though when I would be the only member!LOL! Good Luck and hope you catch "the Relic Bug" too
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