Looks like a track

Drive by this spot twice a day, only a mile or two away...

Know the property owner, will ask for permission this week. Hope to hit it before planting this spring.

Thanks for tips/opinions everyone!
That link shows two track symbols; one is an outline, the other is blacked-in. I wonder if the outline is for dirt, and black is for paved/or boardtrack?

What I'd do is see what aerial pics are available at that spot on historicaerials.com.

If you are lucky to have many different year pics, be sure to look closely at each one, as I have done the same with a long forgotton rail line spur in my town that nobody ever knew about. Traces of that line show in some later pics, and some older pics do not, even though it should be opposite.

something was there

One exactly like that here is a high school track...paved and same exact symbol on a map fyi
^^^^ this. +1
I have found them around my area. I also found that most of them were just private training/workout tracks. May not of had masses of people but I'm sure there still has to be a few cool digs there.

^^^ +2 J-h-smith and coin chaser are right: As much as you'd love for it to have been a big community draw (picnics, parties, rodeos, etc...), yet be prepared. I hit 2 such sites exactly like yours shows (showed on old maps), and they turned out to be nothing more than someone's private trotting track. Hence we found nothing of interest . At least not befitting of public events and crowds, parks, etc.....
^^^ +2 J-h-smith and coin chaser are right: As much as you'd love for it to have been a big community draw (picnics, parties, rodeos, etc...), yet be prepared. I hit 2 such sites exactly like yours shows (showed on old maps), and they turned out to be nothing more than someone's private trotting track. Hence we found nothing of interest . At least not befitting of public events and crowds, parks, etc.....

Absolutely, I have realistic expectations, but have to try in order to satisfy my curiosity.
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