Clad Stabber

How about the MP, No one stabs clad like Mud Puppy. Now if the sponsors could figure out how to package and sell him and not have it look like prosititution we could have a money maker on our hands. Until then I'll stick with the ATP. :laughing:
Hey boys...thanks for the shout out..:laughing:.

AtProDude is a real Mega Cladder! He is already over $1k in just clad for the year not to mention the gold and silver he scores along the way...!

Our styles and choice of rigs is completely different! He of course uses an AtPro, and I use the F70...The trick is FINDING the heavy clad carpets and then its a matter of developing a very speedy retrieval method...No wasted movements, no dinking around, just harvest really fast and comfortably so as to pull 300+ targets in as short a time as the right location, you can do this in a few hours with nothing but a screwdriver, no pinpointer or kneepads required...

I like the F70 set up soft with DP tones..good to 4-5" depth....I can tell audibly if the target is a Q or D or P or zink...I can sniff stacks and multidenom stacks, tight spills, slants...the Proportional audio tells you the depth, the optimum being 2-3" for a fast Stoop StabNGrab...

You pretty much know what you are dealing with at a location in the first 5 minutes if theres heavy clad to be grabbed...a few swings of the coil in the common 'drop zones' tell the story if its worth setting in and pulling coins ...

Optimum temps for me are 45 degrees with a slight drizzle/sleet, moist soil and a bit of wind on account of a guy can really overheat in a I now only really go on mega clad sprees in the late Fall, Winter, and between the perfect temps, I'm in the water or on the beach hunting gold...

AtProDude has some interesting style/method about how he does it in Cali...
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