Alameda County, CA relics

Drew in OC

Junior Member
May 31, 2013
Orange County, CA
Although I'm only one week into my MDing experience, I'm no stranger to digging. I worked in construction back in the 1980's in and around Berkeley and Oakland, CA. It would not be unusual to have to move some dirt around in preparation for foundation work or retaining walls.

The brass plate I found was folded in half and buried under several feet of dirt. I tried to find some info on the Internet, but never came up with anything. I imagine since the term drayman is not in common use, that by itself should help pinpoint the era of it's origin. My best guess given it's size and composition that it was designed for outdoor display on the rear of some sort of vehicle with wooden structure similar to today's "bumper sticker".

If anybody has any ideas as to the age, I would be interested in hearing them.

metal detecting Alameda county

Im starting to run out of places to metal detect, I have done most of the parks and schools around here. are there any local clubs?
Roger in Fremont
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