What was that???

Like most of us, I was raised in a very conservative and strict Judeo/Christian household...As such, We didnt cotton to or believe in Alien/Visitors of any sort...any kind of this topic discussion in a serious scientific format was considered of the devil and discouraged...Odd? Especially with the Universal acceptance of the 'anal probing' concept?.

Well, if a guy spends enough time out of doors, or gets to see the stones of Pincchu Picchu...Theres just No Way prehistoric Man had the physical capability to build these kinds of structures...Not without CaterPillars or CNC waterjet's anyway...even then, for a stoneage person, why would you want to? What with other more important things to attend to? Unless a guy was under some sort of Intergallactic duress?

Not even today are these massive megoliths possible!...Dont even talk about wooden rollers and hand chisels! One cubic foot of granite weighs 180lbs for Pope Pius' sake!...Just try to take a granite rock and turn it into a perfect square or sphere with a hammer and a chisel! Let alone a gargoyle! Toting a massive block moved and fit? Human Please! I dare you to even try! 180lbs/cuft? Try hauling that up a bamboo scaffold, let alone a rock the size of a garage! Unpossible!

I dont know, lots of strange unexplainable things afoot on this Planet, I have no absolute answers...Like I was telling my Bigfoot friend the other day, while Nessie was making us a fresh pot of coffee...(took her a while with those big stupid flippers! Made a hell of a mess! Spilling grounds all over da damn countertop as you can imagine...)

I said, "Sure you got it tough Bigfoot, all barefoot running around nakid up in the snow? Stinking up the damn place, yowling all the time, banging on trees like an average private sector Humanoid retirree only with less fur and a better personality and dental?...You got nothing to complain about!

But Hey, It aint my fault! I voted for Kodos!...I got his bumper sticker even, on the back of my T16 Chevy Prism from back in my womprat bullseyeing days on Tattoine!"..Aint like Winter beaver trapping in MN for $17/pelt, and a coupla bucks worth of castor!..or punching clock at the dirt factory pulling an 8hr shift on the daily! So piss on you and the hat you are wearing Bigfoot!" I told him! Nessie laughed and nodded that long neck in affirmation, knocked over the whole dam microwave oven right into the sink!..sonofabitch!

Then Nessie chimed in wondering what a Womp Rat would taste like?...I said, "Pretty much like any Human democrat..soft and fluffy and full of bleep! Like a poop filled Moon Pie marshmallow treat!"...

Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen! I'll be here all week! Make sure you tip your Garthak!!:laughing: I hope these Aliens show up soon! Evac me from this inhospitable and hot LZ..give me a good going over, take another butt probe even, just to check for democratic parasitic worthless hitchhikers! Or Minelabbers even!..samey same right?...:laughing:
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... I dont know, lots of strange unexplainable things afoot on this Planet, I have no absolute answers...Like I was telling my Bigfoot friend the other day, while Nessie was making us a fresh pot of coffee...(took her a while with those big stupid flippers! Made a hell of a mess! Spilling grounds all over da damn countertop as you can imagine...)

I said, "Sure you got it tough Bigfoot, all barefoot running around nakid up in the snow? Stinking up the damn place, yowling all the time, banging on trees like an average private sector Human retirree only with less fur?...but Hey, It aint my fault! I voted for Kodos!...I got his bumper sticker even, on the back of my T16 from back in my womprat bullseyeing days on Tattoine!"..Aint like Winter beaver trapping in MN for $17/pelt, and a coupla bucks worth of castor!..

Then Nessie chimed in wondering what a Womp Rat would taste like?...I said, "Pretty much like any Human democrat..soft and fluffy and full of bleep! Like a poop filled Moon Pie marshmallow!"...

Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen! I'll be here all week! Make sure you tip your Garthak!!:laughing:

What would this forum be without you Mud! :laughing:

I think it might have been...


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