Silver score from the cash register!!


Elite Member
Jan 28, 2012
Well actually my manager set these aside for me since he knows I collect silver. They were from the change drawer from yesterday. Later in the day I found the wheat penny myself. I get excited just finding a silver rosie but 3 halves? :wow:

Congrats on the silver!
Looks like some kid got into thier parents collection. Maybe their will be more to come if that is the case.
The patina is identical....I bet they have been sitting together somewhere for a long time...I bet there are more!
They were all from one customer, paid with $2 in halves. the 4th was an ordinary bi-centennial Kennedy, I didn't bother with that one. A funny story about this (for me but not my boss) was the employee who rang up that customer thought they were dollar coins, so the customer got $4 in merchandise for $2. Oh well, I am hoping they will be back with more silver halves!! :D
Nice score. I paid for a Subway sandwich a while back with some halfs I got from the bank. The gal turned to they employee behind her with big eyes and whispered "SILVER!" Not! I did tell one of my daughters yesterday who is working retail while going to college to watch for older quarters and I just told her "any halfs" in the register.
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