Gold class ring #5!..And a bit of cool silver, too!

Small chains the clasps could be iron, larger chains from foil up to at least nickel, a large 14k bracelet I dug once came in at 32.

Rings will be from foil in the smaller size and could be anywhere right on up to low zinc on larger gold targets like these class rings.
All 5 class rings I have dug, 4 others were larger than this one from 12 -18 grams in weight, all came in between this 47-49 range and 52.
Gold could go higher, too.
An MD club buddy dug a very small gold ring that came in high as a dime because it was 24k so purity, size, depth and many other factors will affect readings.

That was the long answer, the short answer is anywhere and everywhere.
Dig all solid signals if you want gold, foil signals and up for sure no matter where they are.
I did with my F2, still dug a lot of solid signal trash but I also dug more than my share of gold, too.

Thanks man. Again, awesome find!
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