Help finding older maps

Country Dirt Kid

Elite Member
Feb 20, 2016
Erie Illinois
I use to access old maps of my county. The oldest one they have available is 1872. Does anyone know of another avenue I could explore to try and find an even older one. Second question, what is the oldest map you have been able to find?

thanks for the help
Go to the local library. Rural libraries are also the historical center and they have lots of local maps. Also you should have a county museum. They house much more and likely have the original maps. They allow you to copy them (or they will do it for you, usually for a donation. Bring $20-40 cash on you and you'll be amazed at what they will pull out of the archives. Our local museum helped me out for a mural project of the old railroad line and showed me exactly where to go and find the site.
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