Dog question


Elite Member
Jan 21, 2011
Ok, I know that this sounds crazy, and I have not owned a dog for several years, but this popped into my mind, and perhaps someone has the answer. Some breeds of dogs have very good sense of smell, and are used to find lost people that are buried under tons of debris.

I am wondering if dogs can be trained to locate buried metal objects. The doubt factor here is that I have never seen a dog go digging for a piece of stainless steel, even though the dog may have a stainless steel food bowl.

In a nutshell, if a person had several dog dishes made of various metals, but one was gold plated, could the dog be trained to associate the gold with the food. ie, only put the Strongheart in the golden bowl at feeding time.
Gold is a very inert substance, but if it might have(and I sure don't know if it does) a catalytic property effect on organic material, then could a dog perhaps be trained to locate the gold by sniffing out the fumes from the decaying dirt?

One of my friends had to take a prescription that contained gold for her arthritis, but had to quit because of some reaction to the gold. Apparently gold does promote a reaction to some extent with organic matter.....

Oh well, I never could get my own dog to chase a ball, so I may never know the answer, especially since I married a lady with two rotten cats. :lol:

John Morton
This has come up before, I think. My opinion is that gold wouldn't have an odor that dogs could detect. To be smelled by a dog, there would need to be gold vaporizing or very tiny gold particles suspended in the air, both of which are very unlikely. Whether it has an effect on organic material I don't know, but I would think not since it is very non-reactive.
Well , if you can train a breed of dog to sniff out gold , silver , or whatever desired metals you'd like , then I'd say your'e on your way to being rich . Metal detector's will be obsolete , as well as the famed Lesche .
my American Bulldog Molly AKA The Mauler has no problem telling the difference between silver and other metals. she can even smell the difference between sterling and silver plated. if it's good it gets a lick, if it's not she turns her head away. HH Steve
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