Only the shell is left


Junior Member
Jan 22, 2007
:?: I used to work in a battery warehouse, wet cells for cars, and just for kicks one day I dumped a couple of zinc pennies in some battery acid and left them over night. The next day all I had was the thin copper shell, :lol: and yes the pennies were nice an bright until after being in the air for a few minutes :shock: ;). It seems the only way to get good money anymore is to dig for it. :!:
Believe it or not, you can use Coke to remove rust. I know, because we sometimes have to use it at work to clean rust out of fuel tanks.

Another thing I have used coke for is in the laundry after a day under the hood of a greasy old car, dump in a couple of cans with your clothes, and if ya need to get the smell of gas off your hands, try Prell <sp> shampoo............
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