Embrace Life


Jan 10, 2006
Beaumont, CA
This is the new "wear your seatbelt" ad the UK is doing - started by some guy not hired to do it, but because the cause is important to him, he came up with this idea, and now it's being hailed across the world as a beautiful commercial. And now the video has become so popular with the general public that people are forwarding it to friends/family on their own so quickly that it has spread all over the world in a very short time.

That's really good, thanks Rudy! We just had a 16 year old girl die in a head on collision in my town, due to texting....what a shame. :( Thanks again.
Awesome commercial!!
Very beautiful Video. Touching as well. Very effective message...... it does make you think.

Thanks, glad you liked it.

That's really good, thanks Rudy! We just had a 16 year old girl die in a head on collision in my town, due to texting....what a shame. :( Thanks again.

You are welcome NCBounty. I am sorry to hear about that girl in your town. Such a waste. Texting while driving is really a stupid risk to take. In England they created a film clip to show teenagers about the dangers of texting. They are showing it in schools. I wish they did it here.

Here is the clip. WARNING, THIS IS VERY GRAPHIC!!! But it could save a youngster's life.

I cant believe people still don't wear them. Its about as second nature as flushing the toilet is when you get up to put it on when you get in.
I really wish instead the powers that be would focus on driving skills IE things like not using signals,not stopping for stops, not knowing who has the right of way when they do stop and going the speed limit.
Seems like allot more people driving that don't take it seriously.
This commercial reminds me of the artsy flicks I would run for SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) when I was a union projectionist. After 3 weeks of films like that.... your brain bleeds.
As a firefighter we see more and more crashes from texting and driving. As far as seatbelts i have seen many wrecks and only 1 would have been fatal if been worn. We would have been able to help many more if they had been worn. Its not a fun time when people are ejected from a vehicle. WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!!!!!!
ok im gonna get it for this one

I do understand how a seatbelt can greatly increase your chances of surviving an accident. GREATLY!!!!! But do I need someone who thinks they need to remind everyone to make a commercial. Do we even need a commercial? By making this statement the main focus, like wear your seat belt, we skip by the real issue, DONT GET IN ACCIDENTS!!! Most of not all accidents can be avoided. Phones, talking, radios, ipods, ect all can lead to an increased chance of a wreck. We need to promote safe and defensive driving, not seat belts. Trains, trolleys, buses, and boats not to mention bikes and other forms of transportation do not have seat belts in them, where is the logic in that. If my train ran into another multi ton train head on do you not think a seat belt may help me survive?!!?! :shock:

Lastly im a huge fan of ppl not telling me what to do. Whos rite it is to tell another to wear a seatbelt. In fact someone who doesnt wear one really isnt putting anyone but themselves into danger. YEs they may be a a hole for not considering people lives they would ruin if they died but still its there lives. Live and let live, focus on the problem, not the solution that you think would fix it. Because really seat belt or not there are so many different factors in accidents and no one knows what could or would save you.
I do understand how a seatbelt can greatly increase your chances of surviving an accident. GREATLY!!!!! But do I need someone who thinks they need to remind everyone to make a commercial. Do we even need a commercial? By making this statement the main focus, like wear your seat belt, we skip by the real issue, DONT GET IN ACCIDENTS!!! Most of not all accidents can be avoided. Phones, talking, radios, ipods, ect all can lead to an increased chance of a wreck. We need to promote safe and defensive driving, not seat belts. Trains, trolleys, buses, and boats not to mention bikes and other forms of transportation do not have seat belts in them, where is the logic in that. If my train ran into another multi ton train head on do you not think a seat belt may help me survive?!!?! :shock:

Lastly im a huge fan of ppl not telling me what to do. Whos rite it is to tell another to wear a seatbelt. In fact someone who doesnt wear one really isnt putting anyone but themselves into danger. YEs they may be a a hole for not considering people lives they would ruin if they died but still its there lives. Live and let live, focus on the problem, not the solution that you think would fix it. Because really seat belt or not there are so many different factors in accidents and no one knows what could or would save you.

Well its your choice to wear or not to wear. I know what i have seen when people dont wear one and prefer to live. I will leave it at that. You are right i dont have the right to tell you to wear one. Just have your ticket money ready when you are pulled over

ill have my ticket money ready. i grew up in america and i can honestly say home of the free is BS its more like home of the federal government who gives away all your money to make ppl free who waste there money. :mad: . Rules were made to be broken.
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