Gold Prices Are Up Over 250% Since 2001


Junior Member
Mar 28, 2011
Orlando, FL
Gold Metal Detectors
Gold Prices Are Up Over 250% Since 2001
Gold Detectors Find Gold Nuggets, Gold Veins, "Raw" Gold, Etc.!

Gold continues to climb as many people in the U.S., Asia, and Europe are purchasing gold as a safe place to have their money. With economic problems leading to paper money with lower values, gold has always been the most desired "safety net" in both good and bad times.

When you're serious about gold hunting with metal detectors, you soon come to realize that all metal detector manufacturers have found that standard and all-purpose metal detectors cannot do well searching for gold nuggets. If you do not have a metal detector designed expressly for hunting gold nuggets and gold veins you will probably not be successful and definitely be disappointed in the results of your hunt.

For gold nuggets you need a metal detector that can find very small nuggets as well as slightly larger nuggets at medium depths, and the deepest penetrating models for larger gold nuggets that are the most difficult (but the most valuable) to search and locate.
Amen to the above!!!! Most of my detectors are good gold hunters, my Compadre sniffs out the "tot lot" gold. A few decent gold finds will pay for your detector!!!

I need to start finding gold before I have to get a real job this summer! If I can even find a real job with the way things are around here.
More impressively silver is up nearly 1000% percent in the same time, from roughly $4 per ounce in 2001 to $40 in 2011!
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