old map help


Full Member
Mar 2, 2007
akron pa
im trying to find an area that was a park in the 1920's and having no luck at all. i searched historic arials and it only goes back to the 50's. i have only the town name the park was located and a picture of the entrance to the park which was next to a creek. the picture has the name of the park on it and i googled everything i could think of with no results. any suggestions in finding this location. i dont know if it had a ball field on it or what kind of park it was so looking for an outline of the field didnt help. please help open for any suggestions
Two things you can try.

1- Talk to some older generation locals and get all the dirt on the park.

2- If the local library has old newspapers, go through them, there might be a reference to a community activity that was held at the park and givs more details.
Talking to old timers is the best way, can give great anecdotes not available online or from maps.

Otherwise try some of the online map sites, or pay a visit to your local library or historical society.

Have you tried this site online:

Have you tried the Topo maps from the USGS store? I've been able to download 1902 maps of the area I live in where houses, churches and schools are indicated.

The website is at:


Go to the 'Map Locator and Downloader' that is indicated in the middle of the screen.

The interface is a bit strange. It is a google map where you need to zoom into the area you want.

Then you need to select the radio button on the right 'Mark Points'. Now click on the area you want and you will get on of those red markers. Then click on the red marker and it will list all of the topos for that area with the ability to download the pdf.

'Clear as mud'?

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