Crusty zinks


Senior Member
Apr 12, 2014
So I'm looking to cash in all my clad I've dug up this year and was wondering how meany of you hand in chewed up zink penny's to the bank. Do you clean them or hand them in dirty. Have any of you also had a bank turn you away from handing them in? Thanks for any input
I tumble mine and then toss em all in a Coinstar. whatever the Coinstar spits out goes into the cup holder of my jeep and then gets slowly passed out to McDonalds when I have to get my kids thier happy meals.
I have over 2$ in chunky broken zinks the could jam up a coin star if I tried that. Do banks have to honor them and jive you the full value or no?
I consider zinc pennies shameful imitations of real coins and put the ones I dig out of their misery in the nearest trash can.
I consider zinc pennies shameful imitations of real coins and put the ones I dig out of their misery in the nearest trash can.

Good one. Those stinkin' lincolns....

When I detect with my son in law, and get a Lincoln, I call out "Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny" like the Big Bang Theory.

When I find a newer dollar coin, I call out "Thats 100 less bend overs"

I got bad knees.

You got to have fun, doing this hobby!
So I when't to my bank and they said the zinks are not allowed to be turned in anymore in the condition as of October 1st. Now federal laws. They had it on the counter and a bunch of other new regulations. What luck I have with timing.
Good one. Those stinkin' lincolns....

When I detect with my son in law, and get a Lincoln, I call out "Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny" like the Big Bang Theory.

When I find a newer dollar coin, I call out "Thats 100 less bend overs"

I got bad knees.

You got to have fun, doing this hobby!

Only three Penny's in BBT ;)


Love that show.
i was going to save them but...

I think I am going to take a few of my crusty zincs and put them in a flower pot and see if I can get a money tree to grow. :laughing:
I put mine in a 50's tall decorative 120 oz pickle jar that I dug up while metal detecting.:jester::jester: I just want to fill it up for a display.:laughing:
put them in coin rolls!

put a few in each middle. the government with our tax money made them-- give them back. or mail them to the political candidate pay off fund of your choosing:shock:;):laughing::laughing:
Past couple of years, I've been throwing them out in the curb strip in front of my house. Figure if anyone passing, detects that section, they'll figure out somebody else detects curb strips in the area, and hope they have a sense of humor... Hope they don't toss them in my front yard.
I don't mind them, if they're still pennies when I dig them up, but that's rare. I sure wish our mint still made real money.
I love to pass them off at differing retail stores. I love seeing clerks faces when you pass out crusty disgusting pennies. Make sure those zincs have a nice mud patina on them.

You could always be a big spender and leave a few in the "need a penny jar" that gets a good laugh or two especially when you take a penny or two from the next store. Only do this though If you actually have the correct change in your pocket. You just stuck it to the man.

Give them to kids at Halloween. Of course give them candy too. You don't want your house tp'd when the little buggers find out you passed off worthlessness dirty coins.

If you have "beggars" who you know would rather beg than work a real job, give them a good handful. Then watch as they hand them back to you. NOTE...I realize there are many who are down on their luck, for those buy them some groceries or something. This idea works best when your in a college town such a Boulder Colorado where over privledged 20 something brats would rather panhandle than work.

If you have a office snack fund, leave them inconspicuously there and wait for the complaints.

Throw them in toll booths to actually try to jam up the machines. For a extra laugh use the self-service check out at Walmart. Try to jam those machines then marvel in your dirty deeds if you succeed.

Bad service at dinner yields several crusty zincs. Waiters please don't get butthurt at me, I waited tables and bartended some in college.

That's all I have for now
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