CareNC Metal Detecting Club Meeting


The website is up, the name may change. That will be voted on at the meeting as well.

For now the site is

Unfortunately I can't get a Domain name at the moment, due to the lack of funds. But Free is better than nothing :)

Please everyone check it out, and remember, the site is still under construction, and things will be changing frequently, so check back often.
I'm currently working on the site, adding a forums specific to out site... for us to discuss member specific details and the such. :)
Forums are active from the website, join if you like :)

I will be making some mods, and global mods, and another admin.
Is it just us 3? hehe lol, might as well bring the detectors lol, forget dinner lets find some Gold :) jk jk

But I'll be there at about 6:15PM
The meeting went very well, we discussed a lot about our ideas, and about the area. We need more members before we really start voting on anything.

Anyone in Eastern North Carolina, Coastal NC... Come on guys and gals, I know your all out there. Lets get this rolling some more.
Yall Shouda Been There!

It was great talking MDing with fellow dirtdiggers. I encourage you to join us for our next meeting. We also want ideas and displays.

To be honest I probably learned more new ideas tonight than I have in the past two years.
CareNC Meeting

Boy, wish I could attend! We're still here in New England, until mid September.

Have a great time, and see you when I get back! :cheers:

New England? I sure hope you plan on bringing back lobster for everyone. How we goona have a meeting without you there?

Oh well, we'll overlook it this time but see that it doesn't happen again! LOL!:lol:

Enjoy the weather!

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