Baseball field first base line?


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2012
Ok, this is potentially a dumb question... but it seems many people find a lot of stuff along the first base line when searching baseball fields... why is that? I can understand finding stuff around the edges outside the playing field (where spectators would be, where concessions and such would be, etc.) or where players would be sliding or diving... so why do so many people find stuff on the first base line? Just pure coincidence or what?
I find most stuff on the third base line and right off the pitchers mound I find rings pretty often. Although I found my first gold ring at 1st base so idk.
my guess would be because going to first base you are at a full head of steam and running the fastest to hopefully get farther along the bases, by the time you get to third base you aren't running as fast. Like I said, just my guess.

Also, I find most of my finds behind where the shortstop would play.
I think third base is more productive honestly. You slide into third and home base. Just my opinion and for me that's what my finds show.
I go for whichever side has a treeline on it. Baseball games can get a little long and nobody wants to sit in the sun all day. If there is a treeline near the ballfield, it pays much, much more than the other side of the ballfield.
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