Looking for lost WWII Treasure


New Member
Jul 8, 2017
Greenville Virginia
New Member

I've been a metal detectorist and treasure hunter for many years. I got the bug living in the Philippines where I was searching for the lost treasures of the Tiger of Malaya-- the Japanese WWII army general Yamashita. I've done several postings in the Family Friendly section, but wanted to introduce myself to the wider group. I've posted a couple of photos of my adventures-- one of the Zambales mountains where I explored and of some the WWII items I've found. My favorite find was a Samurai sword.

Nick Auclair

Set on and around Clark Air Base in the 1980s, Steel’s Treasure and its sequel Steel's Gold are thriller adventure, mystery, and works of military historical fiction that weave USAF Major Nick Auclair’s experiences as an intelligence officer with firsthand accounts of the war between the New People’s Army and the Marcos regime. Follow Steel as he risks his career, his freedom, and ultimately his life to uncover the legendary plunder of WWII General Yamashita, the Tiger of Malay.


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welcome to FMDF. Well .... do tell .... did you or anyone ever find the "Yamashita treasure" ? :wow:
Welcome to the site

I know a lot of people on here would love to hear some of your stories over there. I enjoyed both of your books Steel's Treasure & Steel's Gold , hope there will be a 3rd when you have time. This is a great site you will like it. I espically enjoy the pictures of the area there , people can get a idea of what it was like to explore there.
This is GREAT! We sure are going to enjoy your participation here Nick! We are all just a bunch of dreamers and kids out treasure hunting at heart! :laughing:
Welcome from South Carolina !!!!

Do you ever go back to the Philippines to visit, or have friends back there you keep in touch with ?
Nick Auclair

Has any one else read Nick's books Steel's treasure & Steel's Gold yet ? I enjoyed them both Steel's gold continues where Steel's Treasure leaves off. If you have a e-book you can get them very inexpensively at Amazon.com. While the books are fiction , Nick was doing the Indiana Jones thing himself looking for the hid Japanese treasure . the kind of adventure we all dream of. :digginahole::workforgold::tropical::detector:
Thanks for welcome

Thanks for all the kind words and welcomes. Looks like a great site. Been to the Philippines a few times since I left there (but God, that's a long plane ride). Also been detecting in the Caribbean and Central America. The PI was definitely the best--so many treasure legends and billions $$$ of dollars worth at stake. That's where the dictator Marcos got a chunk of his fortunes. In the late 80's was when I was most active there. I had an old White's detector and with help from my mountain Negrito pygmy tribesmen spent four years exploring dozens of natural caves and WWII command posts. Most having never seen a live human since the war. I found an incredible assortment of treasures and trash. I'll post some photos for your interest and enjoyment. This first photo is of vials of medicine I unearthed. Amazing that is was still intact. Many are morphine-- just like in the movie: The Deep (recommend that treasure hunting movie highly--Jacqueline Bisset- wow). Second photo is of my Negrito friends and guides. I write about these adventures in my two novels. (I apologize in advance for my shameless self-promotion, but I figured you folks are my audience. Ha.) I've included my novel covers-- both are available on Amazon. Cheers Nick


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