TOm Brady


Dec 22, 2014
Worked over cellar hole. Connecticut
Been completely turned off by pro sports for about 20 yrs, and find em more unwatchable as time goes on but i did watch superbowl for the heck of it, and i dont think there is any doubt brady is the best qb in history!

if the pats didnt start off so terribly today it wouldve been a blowout

Only blind haters would say otherwise..
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Personally, even though I don't keep up with sports much, he is a very experienced quarterback. That said, I still think he should have been banned from the game for deflategate. Cheating is not acceptable and examples should be made to keep the game fair.
Personally, even though I don't keep up with sports much, he is a very experienced quarterback. That said, I still think he should have been banned from the game for deflategate. Cheating is not acceptable and examples should be made to keep the game fair.

Deflate gate is a joke, if you read more about it you will see TB was never found guilty of anything, he just wouldn't turn his phone over to the NFL, would you trust the NFL with personal info? Me either! Aaron Rodgers came out and said he likes to add air to footballs, should they ban him too? How about bounty gate? Most despicable thing ever. Or how about those players who beat up on their wives and girlfriends, Yeah a two game suspension is probably enuff, it's not like they did something horrible like let 1.5 lbs of air out of a ball. Tom Brady is now without question the best to ever play the game.
Wait What? I musta had the wrong channel! I was watching "The Puppy Bowl" on Animal Planet? The side chatter commentary got a bit political though, I didnt like that! One lady feeds her dog Peanut a vegan diet! Bragging about it even! Can you believe that? Poor little bastard...Plus, they had that little hamster running inside a wheel the whole time to generate power to the scoreboard...Now that was a dirty trick! This year, they even had an African Grey Parrot pecking away on an IPhone sending off Game update texts!:laughing: Aside from the Political interjections, it was a pretty good Puppy Bowl this year! :laughing::laughing:
Deflate gate is a joke, if you read more about it you will see TB was never found guilty of anything, he just wouldn't turn his phone over to the NFL, would you trust the NFL with personal info? Me either! Aaron Rodgers came out and said he likes to add air to footballs, should they ban him too? How about bounty gate? Most despicable thing ever. Or how about those players who beat up on their wives and girlfriends, Yeah a two game suspension is probably enuff, it's not like they did something horrible like let 1.5 lbs of air out of a ball. Tom Brady is now without question the best to ever play the game.

I got nothing personal against Brady, I could care less about football even for that matter, but based on information TB was aware that the footballs were underinflated.

A lot of the problem, like you mentioned above, is many sports feel the need to "parent" or discipline their players for protection of their image. Why should players be banned from games for beating up on girlfriends?...that sounds like a civil issue and has nothing to do with regulations within the sport like underinflating footballs so they can be handled differently/better.

I know some people loath Brady, that's not me. I just think sports in this day and age need to take a harder stand against people who think they need to skirt the rules for an advantage. There are legitimate athletes out there who bust their @ss to put out the best performance they can and don't resort to shady tactics. It's them I feel sorry for.
Yeah...The Puppy Bowl Referee threw a flag and called a "Trash Talking" penalty on one of the players...I dont know, watching the replay, it was right on the borderline, not merited and open to interpretation I thought...:laughing:
Deflate gate is a joke, if you read more about it you will see TB was never found guilty of anything, he just wouldn't turn his phone over to the NFL, would you trust the NFL with personal info? Me either! Aaron Rodgers came out and said he likes to add air to footballs, should they ban him too? How about bounty gate? Most despicable thing ever. Or how about those players who beat up on their wives and girlfriends, Yeah a two game suspension is probably enuff, it's not like they did something horrible like let 1.5 lbs of air out of a ball. Tom Brady is now without question the best to ever play the game.

That is not true. Less air in a ball when it is as cold as it was that day. Makes gripping the ball easier and catching much easier. Also what about spy gate knowing your opposition play call sure would be of imminence advantage.

I also think that there is no room for cheating. And the pat's should have had 2 rings striped.

But you do have a point that I can't take anything away from Tom Is is by far one of the very best Quarter Backs ever. I know I an going to take an a== Kicking for this post. But that is my own opinion. But man that was one of the best super bowls ever.
Tom Brady , removed all doubt that he is the Greatest QB in history .
The fans helped shove that deflated football up Rogers behind . As he was booed off the stage, we can only hope he takes that 40 million or so salary and buys a ticket to Mars . The damage will not be repaired until he is gone , look how far ticket and interest in the game it self has declined.
Congrats to the Greatest Coach and Quarterback in history !!!
Now next year I hope we ( Buffalo Bills ) take your title :lol:
So let me see- I was watching the game.:roll: After the second half and discovery corrected Patriots got better and Colts got worse?:roll: Hmmmm.
Well, one thing we can all agree upon, there wasnt an uneaten chicken wing or unpopped Bud Light about anywhere in the Country last night! Thank The Lord for Logistics, Poultry Farmers and Truck drivers! Millions of wingless chickens peeped out in horror, and yet the succulent supply was unobstructed by protestors or logistical constraints!!

Half of us would not survive the week without this amazingly efficient rapid re-supply!! FWIW, lay off the Jalapeno Potato salad from the deli, let it work through the logistics system a bit...Sure, it ages well, but the aftermorning lower end fire aint worth the top end taste..Let the old folks clear the deli counter channel until about Wednesday...they wont notice a thing! They are used to it!
The fans were booing the NFL Commissioner trying to kiss team owner Kraft's a$$ while presenting him the SB Trophy.

This proves shady Brady and Bill Belicheat have no respect for their fans or football!


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The fans were booing the NFL Commissioner trying to kiss team owner Kraft's a$$ while presenting him the SB Trophy.

This proves shady Brady and Bill Belicheat have no respect for their fans or football!

I don't think that proved anything. But, as they say, the haters are always going to hate.
I didn't get to watch the game, but I saw some of the pre game commentators talking. There were 4 or 5 of them talking and making predictions. Here's 3of the predictions I heard. 1) Brady would get his 5th ring 2) Brady would beat the passing yardage record 3) Pats would win in overtime . Sounds like it was rigged to me.
I'm starting to think the only the honest legitimate games left is NASCAR and Proffesional Wrestling.:laughing:
I didn't get to watch the game, but I saw some of the pre game commentators talking. There were 4 or 5 of them talking and making predictions. Here's 3of the predictions I heard. 1) Brady would get his 5th ring 2) Brady would beat the passing yardage record 3) Pats would win in overtime . Sounds like it was rigged to me.
I'm starting to think the only the honest legitimate games left is NASCAR and Proffesional Wrestling.:laughing:

Yea it was rigged. That hit on Ryan when he lost the ball the running back just let the guy come in and hit him. It was so staged. 28 to 3 and they came back and won the game come on.
It is obvious the Russians rigged it !, how else could a 4 time Super Bowl winner (best QB to ever play the game )win another one . Think about it Putin calls Roger , he goes over to Falcons coach and they let the Pats b---h slap them for the next 25 min . :lol: I expect soon we will see Soros masked rioters on the match to the Capitol . Where is Brian Williams with the breaking news !! :lol:
This is outrageous ! ! !
The fans were booing the NFL Commissioner trying to kiss team owner Kraft's a$$ while presenting him the SB Trophy.

This proves shady Brady and Bill Belicheat have no respect for their fans or football!
They were talking about the game- Brady didn't even remember all that was said because of the noise. It was hectic and noisy. Respectfully, Brady is a winner.
It is obvious the Russians rigged it !, how else could a 4 time Super Bowl winner (best QB to ever play the game )win another one . Think about it Putin calls Roger , he goes over to Falcons coach and they let the Pats b---h slap them for the next 25 min . :lol: I expect soon we will see Soros masked rioters on the match to the Capitol . Where is Brian Williams with the breaking news !! :lol:
This is outrageous ! ! !

I was telling my wife at halftime yeaterday, Atlanta is going to be celebrating and rioting tonight. Then after the game I told her, Atlanta is going to be pissed and roiting tonight. Different emotions, same outcome! :laughing:
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