PARAGIS Tea ( Philippines )


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Nov 23, 2012
Indiana, Philippines(winter)
It is here .. It is called paragis grass. It is a wiled weed that growes every place. Even in America. The farmers hate it. It grows like crazy.
Well, My wife heard about it here in the Philippines. It can cure many things. Even lower blood pressure.

For over 17 years the Dr.s in America have been trying to get my pressure down. For most of 17 years it is normal for it to be around 190/90. Sometimes a little lower, and sometimes higher.

About 2 weeks ago we got some at the market. Just a hand full. She washed it real good. Roots and all. Put it in a big pot with maybe 2 leiters of water. Bring it to a boil and wait till you smell the aroma. It smells good.
After a little cool down, I got my coffee cup and had a cup. Not a bad taste. Through out the day I drank 4 cups. So far so good.
About the 3rd day I was starting to feel week and dizzy.
I took my blood pressure to see why I was feeling funny. Holly !!!!,,
My blood pressure dropped like crazy.. It is down to 113/ 60. I have not seen that since I was a kid. Maybe I better stop drinking for aa while. One day I was outside leaning aginst the wall. The next thing I know, My nephew was picking me up. I passed out.

After a week not drinking the tea. Blood pressure was coming up. I was feeling better. Not dizzy any more. My pressure was back up to 135/75.

Now I find out you don't drink 4 cups a day. They say only 2 cups will do the trick. Now I am down to 2 a day. About 3 days now. Pressure is down to 130/65 and holding. I haave stopped taking 2 of my BP pills for over a week now.

I can't wait till I get home to tell my Dr. that I found a weed that works better than your stinking pills.
When the government finds out about this weed, they will out law it like everything else.

If you want to look up the benefits, go th Philippines Paragis grass ..

I just did not have anything else to do..



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Well thats interesting! I've seen that plant here!..I'll grab some up and dry it out or something..Thanks Ken! Good study there!

For those interested in it you can google it and get all kinds of information including how to prepare it. I asked my hear doctor about it the other day when i had a appointment , she looked it up found nothing negative about it ,said it should not interfere with my medicines . Told me i can try it if i want to , so i am looking in to it. I would love to get rid of a couple of pills a day.
Very interesting post. Thanks for the info! I hate taking medication and due to my job I'm limited on what I can even take. I've always been a big fan of natural remedies! My blood pressure is fine but I think my mother might see some benefit from this kind of tea.

Very interesting post. Thanks for the info! I hate taking medication and due to my job I'm limited on what I can even take. I've always been a big fan of natural remedies! My blood pressure is fine but I think my mother might see some benefit from this kind of tea.

Ken said the tea doesn't taste bad at all ,he rather likes it and i know a lot of us would like to loose a pill or two from our routine. My wife is going over there this summer i will have her bring back some of the seeds from the Philippines if she finds them on her island, but apparently it grows wild many places here in the states and can be ordered on line as well.
My mother brought some tea back from South America, she said it made her more alert. When I looked at it I asked her how she got it though customs, it was made with coca leaves. My mother was a 70 year old cocaine smuggler and didn't even know it. :lol:
That's great, if you can drink some tea instead of taking pills you are much better off!
There are lots of different remedies that work wonders, there is a tree here called pepino kat, that if you boil some of the fruit and drink the tea it will help get rid of kidney stones in under a week.
May try that tea, I am just trying out asparagus. It is supposed to remove salt out of the blood. I only tried a few days and pressure is down a few points. I really do not know yet if works but indications so far seem good

I don't mind if works slow just that it helps. I avoid salt the best I can.
Does that Paragis grass tea come pre packaged in any health store?? not sure what it is really.

May try that tea, I am just trying out asparagus. It is supposed to remove salt out of the blood. I only tried a few days and pressure is down a few points. I really do not know yet if works but indications so far seem good

I don't mind if works slow just that it helps. I avoid salt the best I can.
Does that Paragis grass tea come pre packaged in any health store?? not sure what it is really.
You might find it in a health food store , i saw several places on line that sell it, google it there is a lot on line about it from a number of sources.
A warning on sassafras tea. I used to harvest the rossed root bark and make tea when I was a teen an into wild foods. That was before I found out it's possible toxic effects. The FDA banned the bark, oil and safrole as flavorings back in 1979, about the time I was harvesting bark. Found it causes cancer in lab animals and may cause liver damage to humans.
good to know

A warning on sassafras tea. I used to harvest the rossed root bark and make tea when I was a teen an into wild foods. That was before I found out it's possible toxic effects. The FDA banned the bark, oil and safrole as flavorings back in 1979, about the time I was harvesting bark. Found it causes cancer in lab animals and may cause liver damage to humans.[/QUOT Good information to know and share.
Well thats interesting! I've seen that plant here!..I'll grab some up and dry it out or something..Thanks Ken! Good study there!

HI Mud.. We do not dry it out. We grab a hand full and pull out roots and all. Than we wash it real good. Put in a pot of water and boil until you smell the aroma. I just use a coffee cup. Only about 2 cups a day.

May try that tea, I am just trying out asparagus. It is supposed to remove salt out of the blood. I only tried a few days and pressure is down a few points. I really do not know yet if works but indications so far seem good

I don't mind if works slow just that it helps. I avoid salt the best I can.
Does that Paragis grass tea come pre packaged in any health store?? not sure what it is really.

No health stores that I know of. It just grows wild every place. Look at the 3 to 5 finger seed pods growing out the top. Most of us will have to wait till the weeds start to grow in the spring. They might already have it in the south. Just make sure the pill companys don't find out. They will ban it so they can study it for 20 years, than charge an arm and leg for it.. KEN :D
My first mistake was I drank 3 to 4 cups a day for 3 days. That is when I was getting very dizzy and week. I even passed out. I stopped drinking for a few days to get my BP back up a little . Right now I am drinking 2 cups a day. Some times I might slip in a 3rd cup. We will boil a big enough pot to fill up one of them big coke bottles. Put in the refrig. I like it hot or cold.
May start out with 3 cups a day. After the 3rd day check your pressure. Don't go over board like I did. Good luck to you If you get some. I hope it works for you. Try to read them articales about it. It has been used for hundreds of years.

Interesting info Ken, thanks for sharing !

I'm glad you realized the need to limit how much to take. Keep track of your blood pressure regularly too.

Many modern medicines come from nature, and I realize the need to monitor the safety of natural medicines. Also, it's sad when a drug company wants to charge a ridiculous price per pill for some medicines.

Anyhow another example is the bark of the white willow tree is similar to aspirin, read about it here -

Also: Melaleuca oil (also known as "Tea tree oil") is another natural remedy, but please note: it is NOT meant to be ingested, and may not be safe for young children and pets, but used on the skin, you can read both the benefits and the CAUTIONS here -

other natural medicine links below, just be careful, just because something is natural does not mean you can't overdose on them, and some things might not be safe for those with certain conditions, so do your research first -
HI Gary.
From what I have read so far, The Paragis does not interfear with other meds.

I keep tract of my BP 2 or 3 times a day. So far I have dropped 2 of my BP pills. I have 1 more. I will keep watching how things go. So far very good.
My BP for over 17 years was average 190/90. Sometimes higher.
It is holding around 130/ 70 right now. That is the lowest I have seen it for years. I wright it down every time so I can show my heart DR. He has been trying different pills on me for years. Nothing ever worked. Now it is my turn to show him. Them Drs. are just pill pushers. No wonder we have a drug problem.
I was looking up more information about buying it in America. Some how my story here went viral. It is some how on the internet.
Gee, maybe I will become famous. :laughing:

I found it on the net.

Where to buy paragis in America.
I don't know how you guys put them things on here so you can click on it and go to another site.. KEN :D

I can dream can't I ??

I still make Sassafras tea in the spring.

Same here! I chew the leaves and the green stems year round! I use a green stem for a toothbrush, and I also take a few along when I have to fly and cant smoke, like a little wooden cigarette dealie......Love me some Sassafras! Anyway, something you might consider....

I tapped the maple trees out in the back yard a few years ago..I made the taps out of Sassafras branches, whittled and bored easily with a cordless drill...ran out there and drilled them in and hung empty plastic 2liter bottles... the sap started flowing, and by gosh I was one busy sap boiler!! Went through 4 20lb Propane cylinders in a week!

Anyway, during this whole expensive disaster, I had an idea, so I tossed a Sassafras root into the boiling pot, and also made a stirring stick out of it...It was THE MOST WONDERFUL Syrup ever! Had a hint of rootbeer flavor...

OH gosh though! It was really tough to see my Inlaws slather my hard earned syrup all over their pancakes when they came to visit...! I'm like, "Hey dammit! This aint no off the shelf Aunt Jemima!!":laughing: What a waste!
Same here! I chew the leaves and the green stems year round! I use a green stem for a toothbrush, and I also take a few along when I have to fly and cant smoke, like a little wooden cigarette dealie......Love me some Sassafras! Anyway, something you might consider....

Mud, you're a regular Euell Gibbons. :lol: Anybody remember him?
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