Kicked out of the park!


Senior Member
Nov 28, 2018
Southwest ohio
Minding my own business and working on my version of Muds stoop and stab technique in a Hamilton OH city owned park. When low and behold, I hear a high pitched wail. I thought my pinpointer was going on the fritz. I whirl around and to my surprise I see a white pit bull! I'm in shock and thinking pit bulls don't wail and scream they bark and bite.
So I follow the leash to the arm of this screaming woman. She's screaming at me! Why is it always a screaming woman? High pitched and shreiking " You can't do that here!" "NO METAL DETECTING IN HAMILTON CITY PARKS"!
So I'm like calm down and get the rules and regulations that are pre loaded on my phone because technology is wonderful. Hand it to her and shes still screaming "Whats this". I say that is the parks rules. I have all the parks from city county and state all on my phone just for these situations.

She is still screaming... Now screaming about police! I say "You really don't want that do you?" Because I'm not in violation of any law , code or act.
Still screaming
I ask who she is .... Office manager of the parks.
Office manager = no real power.
Now a second woman shows up with a bucket of dead and dying plants... silent. A witness for the prosecution of History Hippy. She says in a monotone "This is turf"
I tell them how much trash I just removed from said "turf".
Silence from the witness. But the muppet attatched to the pitbull will not shut the f@## up. Still going on about police.

I bow out and leave.

She invites me to her office. So me being a tad pissed by being screamed at like a serf that pay tribute and bow down to an "Office Manager "
Away I go to the office. Wait my vehicle to calm my nerves.
Shes behind the glass the receptionist glass with the freaking pitbull. She told me she didnt have time to look it up. I asked about the other parks. She said "No". I laughed and said Ive been doing this for years.
"No city of Hamilton park"
Not even Crawford Woods where the landscaper guy loves me and says come back anytime and get 9mm bullets off of the baseball fields.
Or Hollow Earth where you definitely need a CCW and gloves for all the trash like needles, crack pipes and crazed Mexican cartel members.
So now in subdued anger I say " PROVE IT" gave her my email and she gave me her and her bosses card.
Sorry Tom
There will probably be a rule now.
I am a citizen and tax payer I can use Hamilton city parks.
Just like a crazed screaming banshee pitbull owner with an office manager title in a bureaucrat office.
Minding my own business and working on my version of Muds stoop and stab technique in a Hamilton OH city owned park. When low and behold, I hear a high pitched wail. I thought my pinpointer was going on the fritz. I whirl around and to my surprise I see a white pit bull! I'm in shock and thinking pit bulls don't wail and scream they bark and bite.
So I follow the leash to the arm of this screaming woman. She's screaming at me! Why is it always a screaming woman? High pitched and shreiking " You can't do that here!" "NO METAL DETECTING IN HAMILTON CITY PARKS"!
So I'm like calm down and get the rules and regulations that are pre loaded on my phone because technology is wonderful. Hand it to her and shes still screaming "Whats this". I say that is the parks rules. I have all the parks from city county and state all on my phone just for these situations.

She is still screaming... Now screaming about police! I say "You really don't want that do you?" Because I'm not in violation of any law , code or act.
Still screaming
I ask who she is .... Office manager of the parks.
Office manager = no real power.
Now a second woman shows up with a bucket of dead and dying plants... silent. A witness for the prosecution of History Hippy. She says in a monotone "This is turf"
I tell them how much trash I just removed from said "turf".
Silence from the witness. But the muppet attatched to the pitbull will not shut the f@## up. Still going on about police.

I bow out and leave.

She invites me to her office. So me being a tad pissed by being screamed at like a serf that pay tribute and bow down to an "Office Manager "
Away I go to the office. Wait my vehicle to calm my nerves.
Shes behind the glass the receptionist glass with the freaking pitbull. She told me she didnt have time to look it up. I asked about the other parks. She said "No". I laughed and said Ive been doing this for years.
"No city of Hamilton park"
Not even Crawford Woods where the landscaper guy loves me and says come back anytime and get 9mm bullets off of the baseball fields.
Or Hollow Earth where you definitely need a CCW and gloves for all the trash like needles, crack pipes and crazed Mexican cartel members.
So now in subdued anger I say " PROVE IT" gave her my email and she gave me her and her bosses card.
Sorry Tom
There will probably be a rule now.
I am a citizen and tax payer I can use Hamilton city parks.
Just like a crazed screaming banshee pitbull owner with an office manager title in a bureaucrat office.
I would of never left and told her to call the cops. That is bull$!tt !!
She don’t have time to look it up? I don’t have time to listen to her... the breed of dog doesn’t matter though, I’d rather a pit than a chow.

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She doesn’t have time to look it up? I don’t have time to listen to her... the breed of dog doesn’t matter though, I’d rather a pit than a chow.

Like hell the breed doesn't matter. Hippy should have forced her to call the gendarmes, then proceed to file a complaint against her, for threatening the use of deadly force against him. That pit was surely able to sense she was in an agitated state, and the slightest thing could have easily set it off, with dire consequences for HH.
Another example of a nosy busybody, with no life of her own, that somehow got into a position of "authority", and enjoys the "privilege" of throwing it around.
Little do those type of people understand that they are driving this country just another step closer to anarchy.


Like hell the breed doesn't matter. Hippy should have forced her to call the gendarmes, then proceed to file a complaint against her, for threatening the use of deadly force against him. That pit was surely able to sense she was in an agitated state, and the slightest thing could have easily set it off, with dire consequences for HH.

Another example of a nosy busybody, with no life of her own, that somehow got into a position of "authority", and enjoys the "privilege" of throwing it around.

Little do those type of people understand that they are driving this country just another step closer to anarchy.


I’d rather a pit than a chow, Dalmatian or even a chihuahua. If you think a pit is mean then you don’t know dogs. It’s all media bull !!!!. Pits are some of the sweetest dogs alive unless you beat them all their lives. Which in that case even humans are horrible.

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I would of never left and told her to call the cops. That is bull$!tt !!

I'm the opposite. It sounds like he's hunted many, many times before he ran into her and likely would have hunted many more times before running into her again. I looked up the park rules and there's only the standard language about not damaging vegetation. The listed penalty is getting the boot. Unless they actually want to try charging you with damage to the vegetation.

Once it was clear she might have some pull in a small town parks department, I would have said "Sorry for the misunderstanding" and been on my way. That's not admitting any wrongdoing. But, rather, apologizing for the fact that she's misinterpreting the rules.

Instead, as the original poster admits, it will take far less than an act of congress for the park staff to formalize an interpretation of the rules that bans detecting.

The same list of rules also say dogs have to be on short leash, owners have to clean up after them, and dogs can't go into buildings. I'd bet the farm she's broken those rules many, many times. Just from your story is sounds like she allows her dog into park buildings that are open to the public. I'll just assume she's let her dog off leash from time to time on park property, and what are the odds she always cleans up after her dog given the amount of time she spends in the parks? These are rules that are explicitly listed--not just inferred--and of equal penalty as what she's accusing you of doing.
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Sorry Tom
There will probably be a rule now.....

haha, I like it when my name comes up in these topics. A badge (bee in the bonnet) that I proudly wear, haha.

Ok, my observations of your situation : You will probably be on the loosing end of this debate. Because , even though it might not say "no md'ing", yet someone could say it falls afoul of other verbiage. Like language that forbids "alter and deface" or "harvest and remove", etc....

Oh sure, you can *try* to debate them about how you "remove trash". Or you'll leave no trace (thus haven't alterED) . But ... as I say, do you really want to enter into that debate ? It will just boil down into into a p*ssing match of semantics. And the entire time, you'll be dealing with someone whose image is "geeks with shovels digging holes in the park".

Why even go down that path ? To which you will probably say : "So I can continue to md my favorite park" , right ? But look at the wording WITHIN YOUR VERY OWN POST : You've detected there for years with no problem (as I perceive from your wording). And it's only been *just now* that anyone griped. Right ?

So what does that tell you ? To me, that tells me it's in the "fluke" category of things. That : You've got a SINGLE individual, in an entire town, who cares-less. You can turn over heaven and earth to try to overturn that one lady, but instead, I agree with toy-soldier at this point, of what will probably happen :

.... it will take far less than an act of congress to add a sentence to the park rules. A simple update to the park's webpage is all it would take.....

So in cases like this, I would just "avoid that one individual" in the future. Give the place a brief break, and then just come back later, when she's not present. Even if that means doing nice-manicured park turf in the night (so peaceful, so serene). Some people might call that "sneaking around". Ok, fine then: sneak around. In my 40+ yrs. of this, I've long since given up the notion that I can please every-last-person on earth.
I am going back on Saturday. She probably doesnt work weekends. ...

Bingo, there ya go.

In my decades of this, I have had many many "scrams". And 99% of the time, they turn out to be nothing that ever replicates. I look back on some of them, and realize that, years later, we hunt those spots in broad daylight, and never heard so much as "boo" ever since then.

Could just be someone having a bad hair day, etc..... And the only thing that "fighting" such situations could do, is bring it "front and center" as "pressing business" in need of a rule to address the pressing issue.

This hobby is a bit like nose-picking: Rather than asking permission, or fighting for your right-to-do-it, you ... uh ... just choose better times. So as not to offend the squeamish.
:toofunny::toofunny: I Love a story that begins like this Hippy!

"There I was, minding my own business, when all of a sudden!"

See, I told you about the dangers of crazy old Wimmen! More dangerouser for the peace and comfort of a Man than Prostate Cancer, and not even half the fun as a strangulated hemmerhoid!!

You shoulda just started babbling in some foreign sounding words like you are from France or something...looking all confused as a visiting foreigner would...."Tutu de swie, Tutu de swa? Volle le futbalparken? Non Sprechen zee! Non Sprechen zee! It doesnt matter what you say, theres no defending yourself with logic, reason, laws or, just start babbling stupid sounding chit....or keep silent like a mute...same results...

When confronted by a crazy angry Woman who wants to start a fight, I just start babbling incoherently, drooling, looking all sleepy eyed and stupid, letting my tongue hang halfway over my lower lip, like its too big to fit in my mouth, if She persists with the harangue, I wet my pants in a defensive manouever like a toad or a skunk does!....(Wimmen cant stand the sight or smell of Man urine, not on the toilet seat, underwear, or outside on the pacysandras).

Their anger quickly turns to disgust, and they cant stand to be in my presence, so they generally walk away looking for an easier target of opportunity like the dog......(This has been my secret to a long and happy marriage to Mrs Mud)....

Wimmen dont find any pleasure in cussing out a guy if they think you cant understand a thing they are saying! They already think you are dumb, so dont disappoint them, concede that as the genetically lost ground battle of the mid 70's and then play it up! Never argue even if you are right!

Just go twice as stupid as they think you are! 'Full Retart' if you will...This tactic Diffuses the situation! Its like estrogenic pepper spray!

Yeah, she obviously owned that big old dog so she had something to boss around when there wasnt a guy to pick on! Makes her feel powerful and in control....Probably makes him do all sorts of tricks before she gives him a treat! Like beg and sit and roll over and things...probably scolds him too, just to see him look guilty and ashamed about something....Pretty much like any married Woman does with us!

Just look as dopey and stupid as possible around any Woman over 50..babble about stuff, piss your pants occasionally, wear khakis to enhance the visual effect.... avoid them if you can, be ready if you cant..always carry a fart in your back pocket, a half full bladder, a booger, or a burp...this is all we have left to defend ourselves since we just cant simply 'punch them to the Moon' like we could when Man ruled this Planet in the 50's....They just aint afraid of us anymore...


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I would have stayed and waited for the cops. You had the regulations on your phone to prove your point and the cop would have recognized that the woman was basically harassing you...
Too funny Mr Mud!
Thanks to all for the advice.
I'm going to lay low and get better at how not to be seen!

Yep, thats all a grown Man can do anymore! Go about as Invisible as possible like the Bigfoots do...Long gone are the halcyon days of the 50's when a Man could walk this Planet feared by all and unobstructed by none! We had it made! We could punch a sassy clerk, spank the neighbors unruly kid, the Wimmen knew their place and would not dare sass off smart about anything!

We were feared and respected by every living creature! We could buy a boat if we wanted without asking permission...We could Drink all day Like Cary Grant in Father Goose, and steal a kiss without asking 'permetso!' Or drag a sassy red head Woman down the street, and get in a fight with her Brother for the whole town to see like John Wayne did in "The Quiet Man"!....These were are Role Models, Men we aspired to become, who stormed the beaches of Normandy, stayed out doors in the brutal cold fighting hand to hand at the Chosin Reservoir, could shoot like Carlos Hathcock or Clint Eastwood....

WTH happened to us? Now we cant even detect for a few pennies in the park without some crazy old Woman unafraid to bussyerbalz? Dont dare spank the neighbors kid! Dont dare take a squirt out of doors! Cant dare kill any living thing and brag about it! So yeah, we are forced to go invisible and be as quiet as possible...'small and unseen' is the rule of the day...The Wimmen took charge, and by gosh they are running with it!...

Societally Castrated, Emasculated and Prosecuted for displaying any kind of Mannish behavior...Conscripted Eunuchs and Geldings...We cant even carry a knife or a lighter, which are the basic and key founding blocks of Mankinds survival on this Planet!...Cant smoke indoors or in your own car with your own kids onboard...

Heck, we have fallen so low on the Societal totem pole, a guy cant even kick a dog, or take a wiz in the snow, or hold a door open for what appears to be a Lady..just rambling...yeah.... Try as they might to stomp the testosterone out of us, they gotta admit,, every once in a while a Real Man can come in pretty gosh darn when the garage door opener is on the fritz and that massive door has to be handlifted, or when the garbage disposal gets all clogged up with Kombucha, or the lights go out, or somebody picks a fight with a strange Man at the park and then volunteers you to go kick his @ss...Yeah..Memories of when I used to be a Man.

I think the last guy I ever got into a real fist fight with was in 1980...The last time I spanked a kid was around 1981....The last time I punched a girl for giving sass? Well, thinking back, probably 1969....I smoked in airports and on airplanes up until the mid 90's IIRC...The last time I ate a wild game kill of mine? Probably around 1993....I did eat a fresh roadkilled turkey a few years back, and that was nice and sentimental....made me feel like a Man again for a brief metal detecting does, getting out and hunting and pulling enough money for beer and smokes, watching the Sun Come up etc....

During the typing of this post, I have realized how far I have fallen! Domestication just creeps up on ya... slowly, then all at once!....So I went and bought me a big bloody steak and a couple of 25oz beers! Paid cash and chatted up the buxom young lass behind the checkout! I walked out the doors and smoked right there in the parking lot in front of children!! Eyehunted for gold drops and clad on the way home! This afternoon, I might just gain enough bravado to leave the toilet seat up!...Baby steps...:laughing:


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I would have stayed and waited for the cops. You had the regulations on your phone to prove your point and the cop would have recognized that the woman was basically harassing you...

Bad advice. The cops would .... likewise ... envision "geeks with shovels leaving holes", and would have sided with her. Why "stay" and swat that hornet's nest ?

Just give lip service and come back later when lookie-lous like that aren't around. Presto, problem solved, eh ?
Yep, thats all a grown Man can do anymore! ...

puppy-mud, my only goal in life is to write like you. If I ever attain to this level of creative writing, is the day I retire from driving street sweepers, and move on to my new career as an acclaimed author. Like John Steinbeck, Mark Twain, Dave Barry, etc.....
Wow, sorry that happened to you. Even though you were in the right, it's always best to just leave. Not worth getting in a yelling match over or anything like that. Had a park worker approach me this morning at my pull tab hole (dug 400 or so). He looks around then asks me if I found anything. We start some small talk and he gave me some tips of where to hunt in the park. But such interactions can go sour quick. Yes, I had the legal right to be there but if he would of said anything I would just leave, not worth fighting against city hall, if you get my drift. There are many places to detect and never hurts to several nice spots in rotation.
:toofunny::toofunny: I Love a story that begins like this Hippy!

"There I was, minding my own business, when all of a sudden!"

See, I told you about the dangers of crazy old Wimmen! More dangerouser for the peace and comfort of a Man than Prostate Cancer, and not even half the fun as a strangulated hemmerhoid!!

You shoulda just started babbling in some foreign sounding words like you are from France or something...looking all confused as a visiting foreigner would...."Tutu de swie, Tutu de swa? Volle le futbalparken? Non Sprechen zee! Non Sprechen zee! It doesnt matter what you say, theres no defending yourself with logic, reason, laws or, just start babbling stupid sounding chit....or keep silent like a mute...same results...

When confronted by a crazy angry Woman who wants to start a fight, I just start babbling incoherently, drooling, looking all sleepy eyed and stupid, letting my tongue hang halfway over my lower lip, like its too big to fit in my mouth, if She persists with the harangue, I wet my pants in a defensive manouever like a toad or a skunk does!....(Wimmen cant stand the sight or smell of Man urine, not on the toilet seat, underwear, or outside on the pacysandras).

Their anger quickly turns to disgust, and they cant stand to be in my presence, so they generally walk away looking for an easier target of opportunity like the dog......(This has been my secret to a long and happy marriage to Mrs Mud)....

Wimmen dont find any pleasure in cussing out a guy if they think you cant understand a thing they are saying! They already think you are dumb, so dont disappoint them, concede that as the genetically lost ground battle of the mid 70's and then play it up! Never argue even if you are right!

Just go twice as stupid as they think you are! 'Full Retart' if you will...This tactic Diffuses the situation! Its like estrogenic pepper spray!

Yeah, she obviously owned that big old dog so she had something to boss around when there wasnt a guy to pick on! Makes her feel powerful and in control....Probably makes him do all sorts of tricks before she gives him a treat! Like beg and sit and roll over and things...probably scolds him too, just to see him look guilty and ashamed about something....Pretty much like any married Woman does with us!

Just look as dopey and stupid as possible around any Woman over 50..babble about stuff, piss your pants occasionally, wear khakis to enhance the visual effect.... avoid them if you can, be ready if you cant..always carry a fart in your back pocket, a half full bladder, a booger, or a burp...this is all we have left to defend ourselves since we just cant simply 'punch them to the Moon' like we could when Man ruled this Planet in the 50's....They just aint afraid of us anymore...

Your dedication to digging pulltabs is second to none! Even going the extra mile and urinating yourself if need be. Now that's true dedication! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
I don't want anyone to get bad ideas and I don't want to stir them up, and I will never pursue that.
But that said. No one without the appropriate authority will send me away. Someone without authority has as much or little to say as I do.
Even someone with authority will not send me away without proper arguments/rules/laws.

But I always remain friendly, and i advise everyone to also remain that.
And if i am not allowed i am the first one to stop and go without any complaints.

OMG you don't want to know how many college hunters tried to scare me away :shock: playing landowner, guard, officer in civil clothes and some more. Yes for real.
Sc*** them as long as they do not identify themselves. I am no moron. Ok ok i confess, slightly enjoyable pleasant moron i am :p :laughing: . Enough to not let me be scared away. With them, depending on their communication, i sometimes remain less friendly. :D

And i have easy talk as i am not in the US. Other circumstances for me.
....Even someone with authority will not send me away without proper arguments/rules/laws.....

As much as I agree with you that md'ing is harmless, yet I'm afraid that being defiant (in cases of when there's no true prohibition) might back-fire.

If someone tries to scram me, I might offer some meager push-back (eg.: assure them that I'm leaving no trace, blah blah). But .... beyond that, I would never stand-my-ground and defy them. Because I'd be too scared that .... they could indeed come up with the "ace-in-the-hole" of "alter and deface" or "harvest and remove", blah blah. Why fight that battle ? Why risk that they might go out and make a rule to "address this pressing issue" ?

I just come back when that person isn't around. Presto, problem solved. If that means hunting at night, so be it. We're in an odd hobby, and we have to realize that we can't please every last person on earth.
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