Still can't believe it! Pure Shock *Update*


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Sep 1, 2010
San Antonio Texas
So guys I think that I might have had the best weekend of detecting in a very long time. I did not find much myself but I spent 2 days with some good friends and the weather was amazing! Having said all of that my buddies had some cool finds but one of them was very lucky and hit it big!
On Friday I drove 1 1/2 hours and picked up MontyP from there we drove another 2 hours to German Searchers house. German Searcher had some awesome spots picked out for the next days hunt, one of with was a forest that was near some old castle ruins. In Germany it is forbidden to hunt castles and monuments but the forests around them are free game. Well the next day we went to the forest and a buddy of ours showed up for the hunt as well. We got ready and everyone kind of set off in different directions. Well I didn't find much Just some trash about 18 nails and some what's-it's. Everyone else had about the same luck so we all went back to the car to go to the next spot. Well after about 10 minutes we noticed one person was missing. We called him and he said he had discovered a CACHE!:shock: we went over to where he was hunting only to find him about 40 yards down a very steep hill. He found 15 silver coins all dating from the 30 years war (1618-1648 but a couple were older than that). I couldn't believe it! we scoured the hill for the next hour producing one more silver coin from the same era. I found an old medieval table knife and a Roman crossbow bolt. Well after that we had just about ran out of daylight so we returned to the house for some beer and dinner. The next day we had to head home around noon so we decided to have a short hunt and then be on our way. German Searcher knew of a good spot where 2 WWII bomber had crashed in 1944. He found the site a long time ago but had not hunted it in a long while. We decided to try our luck. We parked our cars at the edge of the forest and hiked our way about 120 meters to the crash site. The crash site still showed signs of the carnage that had taken place so many years ago. The forest itself was very old but the the plane that had crashed there had taken out the old trees an all that was there now was small shrubs and thin trees. I tried to use my detector but there were way to many signals to dig so we just started scraping the earth a bit and this produced all of the finds you see below. Now to the part that to me is mind blowing... One of my buddies was digging up some of the canopy when he looks at me and asks if what he had just dug up was bone!!!! we all gathered around and sure enough plain as day he was holding a piece of skull! at this point we were all very shocked because the crash site was well known and the 2 local towns had said they had buried all of the bodies. We also found a couple more pieces of skull and a piece of a jaw bone with some teeth. I was going to post pics but I will leave that up to the mods to say wether that is allowed or not. Any help that can be given to identify the shot shells or the random aircraft pieces would be awesome! I have included a link to the story of the Aircraft and how it crashed. Thanks for looking guys
Well guys JPAC finally wrote me back and I gave them all of the info that I have gathered on the crash site. The woman I spoke to did not seem to believe that I found a crash site and she had a ton of questions for me. She also wanted to know why I removed the bones that we found. At this point I know removing the bones we found was the right move. The wild hogs are out in full force and since we dug new holes I could just see the hogs digging around trying to get to the roots and destroying any hope of getting a good DNA sample. We debated for a good while and all of us came to the conclusion that we could never make everyone happy... Had I left the bones there JPAC would have wanted to know why I left them... I took them home and now they want to know why I took them. I tried reporting this site back in October of last year and JPAC wanted nothing to do with it they sort of just shrugged me off so I am not to worried if they are mad at me...They should be less worried about what I did and more worried about getting these brave young men a final resting place....


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Please notify the German authorities. If this was a US aircraft crash site, the U.S. Army forensic guys need to get involved to recover any servicemen's remains.

Also, awesome silver coins. Would love to see some close up shots if possible.
The site is well know and has already been evaluated one and the remains of the soldiers that were found were buried in 1949. I have wrote the Joint POW/MIA accountability command. I hope to hear from them soon.
Wow...Your finds are insane...The coins and the weapons are awesome. Was the planes US or German or what? I probably would tread lightly because somewhere out there is a mother/son/grandson etc etc of the remains you found. It would awesome to have the survivors notified if they can determine the individual. Awesome work my friend and HH!!!!
The plane was a B-24 Liberator but they dont know the exact name of the plane. My buddy that found the site initially went thru all of the proper channels to report the crash. He even tracked down an actual eye witness. In the nearest town about 5 km from the crash site an old man told my buddy that he saw the crash happen. The old man was a part of the Hitler Youth! he and some of the towns people went out to look for survivors. They found 2 survivors and they spent the remainder of the war in a POW camp. They also found one G.I who's parachute did not open/fully deploy and the old man said the sight of the G.I's body stuck with him and he was not able to eat for a couple days. The rest of the 6 crew died.... What they believe happened is that there was a group of B-24's coming back from a bombing run on Munich when one plane was hit by flak causing it to bank hard into the plane on its left. The 2 planes in question are the Diana-Mite and Our Baby. One broke up in mid air and the other crashed in nearby town. If the JPAC team goes out there and I can give them the bones we found they might be able to determine who's bones they are and we can find a final resting place for them and a piece of mind for the remaining family members...
Thanks Kolby, gonna be watching this thread for the outcome!

My father was a ground soldier in Europe during WWII and they were The Greatest Generation!
Thanks Kolby, gonna be watching this thread for the outcome!

My father was a ground soldier in Europe during WWII and they were The Greatest Generation!

Your welcome SeabeeRon I love detecting but my true love is the second world war. Everyday almost 900 WWII vets die,we must do everything possible to preserve that history. We owe so much to them and as you said they are most certainly the greatest generation!
What an amazing story and find. Now you guy are a part of the history to this event. I just hope it isn't a murder scene. good luck on the research, and congrats on the find...
great thread Kolby!
it's amazing that in the span of 2 days, you guys find artifacts that differ in age by over 300 years! wow! :shock:

and i hope they're able to determine who that victim was and give him the proper burial honors.
thanks for posting,

Talk about WICKED SICK!

I ought to come visit. Of german descent you know! Want to buy me a plane ticket? You could help me with my deutsch too :D

Jk.....kind of..

Your welcome SeabeeRon I love detecting but my true love is the second world war. Everyday almost 900 WWII vets die,we must do everything possible to preserve that history. We owe so much to them and as you said they are most certainly the greatest generation!

Agree 100%!
Your post was unreal! There are hunts and then there are HUNTS! Your story was one of the most intriguing finds I have ever seen posted on here.
Well Done!
Truly impressed with your knowledge! Look forward to any follow up on this one.In the U.S. i find dog tags on the beach.I throw them back,because i know my dad spent 21 years on destroyers and is to be buried at sea.I never show any dog tags i find out of respect for anyone who may have passed and was honored by returning to the sea permanently.I'm sure some are modern.But i never know why they ended up in the ocean.So i throw them all back.
Your post was unreal! There are hunts and then there are HUNTS! Your story was one of the most intriguing finds I have ever seen posted on here.
Well Done!

Thanks Patton we were all very suprised at the finds and were very happy to possibly find a final resting place for this fellow Airman
Truly impressed with your knowledge! Look forward to any follow up on this one.In the U.S. i find dog tags on the beach.I throw them back,because i know my dad spent 21 years on destroyers and is to be buried at sea.I never show any dog tags i find out of respect for anyone who may have passed and was honored by returning to the sea permanently.I'm sure some are modern.But i never know why they ended up in the ocean.So i throw them all back.

That is pretty neat, I would personally keep the dog tags I would not throw them back. The reason is that the tag might belong to a downed pilot or MIA/KIA soldier that the military has no record of. If it turns out that the tag belongs to a soldier who was burried at sea then you could always return it to the ocean....just my opinion though =)
Hey bud, we really had a great weekend, that I will not forget! We always find good stuff when we meet up together! Can't wait until we meet again. :D
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