Beach scoop question.


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Jan 10, 2006
Grayling, MI.
I have a question for all you expert water hunters. I'm building a beach/sand scoop out of stainless, and I read that the holes are around 9/16". Is that correct? If that is the case, wouldn't something small like a diamond stud ear ring just fall right through the openings? I know the larger the holes, the better the sand will wash out of the scoop. But boy, I sure would hate to lose something like a half carat diamond :shock:. Would smaller holes really cause me that much more grief?
yea I built my own scoop being that I just started the water hunting an those very small targets are a pain, not sure how to deal with them, you got to have the large hole shift the sand an shell out. If I am pretty close to shore I will take my scoop an dump it near the water line,I have been getting targets the size of bb's, I can see where a maget is a must when hunting with A PI unit. I would also like to hear some tricks of the trade.
I made a scoop and found what's between the holes is important. Square holes have less metal between them to block sand. Also a wire mesh set up sifts sand faster than drilled holes. Wire at the back of the scoop allows smaller holes and more sand out quicker. Rob
I use a sifting box that I mad out of wire mesh on the bottom - much faster! I even drilled holes in the side of the wooden box to help out.
I made a scoop with 1/4 wire mesh. Worked great in dry sand. I have often wondered if a stud earing ring would fall through. If it was really dry, I could have used hardware mesh. It's between 1/4" and window screen mesh.
Another idea is go to your local farm and feed supply and get a large aluminum grain scoop and drill whatever size holes you like all over the "scoop" portion - works great!
hoser said:
I have a question for all you expert water hunters. I'm building a beach/sand scoop out of stainless, and I read that the holes are around 9/16". Is that correct? If that is the case, wouldn't something small like a diamond stud ear ring just fall right through the openings? I know the larger the holes, the better the sand will wash out of the scoop. But boy, I sure would hate to lose something like a half carat diamond :shock:. Would smaller holes really cause me that much more grief?


Don't worry about studs falling through the scoop, its a rare event to find one... I have bullets fall through all the time as well as the occasional stud but I just scoop it up after locating it and carry the whole scoop load to shore and find it that way or I use my floating sifter where the quarter inch mesh catches the little stuff. Most people are cheap and don't by diamond studs they get away with buying cheap CZ's ;)
Thanks for all the replies to this. It was a big help. Craig, I'll have to build a floating sifter to do just what you said. Excellent idea. Just finished my scoop last night. Turned out ok. It would have been better if we would have had a tig welder, but hey, it was still FREE! ;)
Tony - My scoop is used exactly what I bought it for - to scoop. I use a home made box sifter in conjunction with it. I'm only doing sand and it works quickly and efficiently for me. I think if I were doing the wet beach stuff I would have to give you a call!
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