ENDED 2017 Gift Exchange Results

arrived this week and dlax was creative, generous and thoughtful! Thank you!
A merry, happy Christmas to all!

So glad it made it and that you liked the random assortment. I hope there is some luck left in the rusty ox shoe!
After the UPS tried to steal my package from T&TMRH, it finally showed up a few days ago and is wonderful! Civil war relics, silver coins and a Garrett hat! I will get a pic up as soon as I can.

Thanks so much again!
After the UPS tried to steal my package from T&TMRH, it finally showed up a few days ago and is wonderful! Civil war relics, silver coins and a Garrett hat! I will get a pic up as soon as I can.

Thanks so much again!

You're very welcome! Merry Christmas!
I would like to thank the forum Mod. for running the gift exchange.
Thanks to 7centsworth for the gift of a Barber, Mercury, 3 cent piece and also a new set of gloves.
The coins are something I never find on the beach in S Florida.

Thank you and Merry Christmas to all you pirates

I picked up my package from Saoirse yesterday, and it contained a whole bunch of interesting stuff. It had a $10 (Singapore) coin, a flashlight, stamps, a medallion he found, a small pocket knife (also found), and what appears to me to be a printing plate (also found).


-- Tom
My goodies from JackDaniels

JackDaniels' package arrived safely from its 6485 mile trip from South Korea to Missouri. I enjoyed discovering all sorts of goodies and things contained therein. Perhaps JackDaniels can chime in and let me know what some of the foodstuffs are! Lol.



I really like the old coin, and will enjoy exploring the snacks! Thanks again JackDaniels, and Merry Christmas. (I hope my package arrives as safely as yours did!)
Thanks GroundMagnet!

I got my present from my gift buddy last week, but I waited to open it until he got mine. Today was the day and i am super grateful for the awesome gifts. Ironically, we both sent each other very similar things.


I love all three (how can you not). A silver dollar a silver round and a silver dime.. BOOOOYAAAAAA.

Thanks GM
and Happy Holidays to all
Thanks Mr. C!!!!

Got my gift from Mr. C on Monday, but didn't get to open until yesterday! Wow!!

Got some coins I have never seen in person before and a sweet 1$ silver bill!

Thank you so much! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

JackDaniels' package arrived safely from its 6485 mile trip from South Korea to Missouri. I enjoyed discovering all sorts of goodies and things contained therein. Perhaps JackDaniels can chime in and let me know what some of the foodstuffs are! Lol.



I really like the old coin, and will enjoy exploring the snacks! Thanks again JackDaniels, and Merry Christmas. (I hope my package arrives as safely as yours did!)

1. Seaweed wrap around rice.
2. Gochujang Korean "hot sauce" good for many uses, liven up a soup, use as salsa endless possibilities.
3 & 4 Hotpacks take one out and shake, when they cool down shake again good for hours on end. I think 8 hours or so.
5. World famous Korean choco pies.
6. Smokes! If you don't smoke pass them on to someone who does. :p

The coin I believe is from a shipwreck because I found them from time to time on a particular stretch of beach mostly laying on top of the sand!

Enjoy and happy holidays!
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1. Seaweed wrap around rice.
2. Gochujang Korean "hot sauce" good for many uses, liven up a soup, use as salsa endless possibilities.
3 & 4 Hotpacks take one out and shake, when they cool down shake again good for hours on end. I think 8 hours or so.
5. World famous Korean choco pies.
6. Smokes! If you don't smoke pass them on to someone who does. :p

The coin I believe is from a shipwreck because I found them from time to time on a particular stretch of beach mostly laying on top of the sand!

Enjoy and happy holidays!

Hey! I even got an illustrated layout map with descriptions! I figured what number 3,4, and 6 were, but glad to see what number 1 and 2 are. I hope the hot sauce isn't too hot. Guess I'll find out. Thanks again for everything, really interesting that you found all those coins in one general area.
Just an update, scuba has received my package and mine is on its way, should be here by Monday. Will update accordingly. Happy holidays everyone!

Due to circumstances BEYOND my control. Your package is delayed?

No idea when it will find it's way too you unfortunately. Since I didn't ship it I will see what the shipper can do if you do not receive it by tomorrow. It was shipped from one of our sponsors last week. I am sorry this happened. You were supposed to get it Monday. Strange they are playing with it.

USPS Tracking 9405503699300152984837
Due to circumstances BEYOND my control. Your package is delayed?

No idea when it will find it's way too you unfortunately. Since I didn't ship it I will see what the shipper can do if you do not receive it by tomorrow. It was shipped from one of our sponsors last week. I am sorry this happened. You were supposed to get it Monday. Strange they are playing with it.

USPS Tracking 9405503699300152984837

Thanks for the update scuba, its been to the springfield sorting center 3 times already, but it said yesterday it was on its way to Hardwick... So im not sure what the problem is... If anything changes I will certainly let you know, thank you!
Got a PM from my guy that said my gift should be here Tuesday. He also said be careful opening it.
I do the exchange for fun but this sounds exciting.
I received my package from achaios, a collection of ancient coins.
This is something I've been interested in for a long time but just never seemed to get around to it, now I have a kick start collection so no stopping me now! What amazes me is that they are thousands of years old and have survived to the present day, but that's just the beginning...

I collect a fairly wide selection of coins, not really based on any one particular criteria, if I like the look of it and I can afford it then I will see if I can get my hands on one.

A large part of the enjoyment I get from coin collecting is the research, the when, the who, the where etc, this for me is what it's all about (Apart from bullion of course!)

I have a feeling I will fall into a bottomless pit of history, one coin leading me to a time period that's particularly interesting, that leads to a tyrannical ruler who persecuted his subjects mercilessly, to a young servant girl who overcame all the odds to become queen, to the horse that changed the course of history all because it stood on a thorn....

Before I know it I will be thousands of miles and hundreds of years away from where I started!

For me - priceless..

Thanks Tom!
Due to circumstances BEYOND my control. Your package is delayed?

No idea when it will find it's way too you unfortunately. Since I didn't ship it I will see what the shipper can do if you do not receive it by tomorrow. It was shipped from one of our sponsors last week. I am sorry this happened. You were supposed to get it Monday. Strange they are playing with it.

USPS Tracking 9405503699300152984837

It has ARRIVED!!! :cool: thanks scuba! Will update on christmas when I open it! Happy holidays everyone!
MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL. A great morning. I opened my present from cellrdwellr and found one of the things I got I gave him! LOL Now I am wondering if what I got him he already had!

I got some hand warmers, A silver dime, A Kennedy set, a very old button and a pinpointer holster.

Thank you Jeff. I looked back at your last threads and found one that said you were looking for a particular item. I never saw anyone reply so I thought I did good. I tried!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL. A great morning. I opened my present from cellrdwellr and found one of the things I got I gave him! LOL Now I am wondering if what I got him he already had!

I got some hand warmers, A silver dime, A Kennedy set, a very old button and a pinpointer holster.

Thank you Jeff. I looked back at your last threads and found one that said you were looking for a particular item. I never saw anyone reply so I thought I did good. I tried!!

Man scuba... That was VERY kind of you... I have a pinpointer but not a carrot , so this is VERY useful, considering its my favorite pinpointer on the market...plus all the goodies that came with it! I really thank you so much, it moght see some use this week a little bit further South than my current location...the button came from me and my buddies rev war permission field...she is certainly OLD! The dime was found at this years MTHA hunt and is AU condition... I really wish I could have sent more, but this was the most expensive year of my life to say the least. Once again I thank you SO MUCH!!! Happy holidays FMDF and thank you for the great forum you run!


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