Found a nice bottle today


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Sep 15, 2013
I just went for a short bottle hunt,not really any place to go. Decided to check the small grown in field next to the road. It paid off found this neat bottle, the paint is mainly intact. Thanks for looking. Have some more will post another time. This one should clean up pretty good.


PS was going to ask id, but bottom reads 1964.


  • IMG_1103.jpg
    26.1 KB · Views: 466
Yes! Nice one. I don't think we had those in the states (in brown yet!)

Thanks, was very surprised to find it, was just winging it guessing where to dig.
I learned also not to clean the paint label ACL for awhile. Seems they can be very fragile which makes sense if buried in the ground.

I found a coke bottle also but was split in 2 parts, going to be a easy glue repair until replace with a whole one.
I learned also not to clean the paint label ACL for awhile. Seems they can be very fragile which makes sense if buried in the ground.

Yeah, you have no idea how many nice acl/pyro wartime milks i've dug just to see the paint shrivel off as the air hits them. It depends, though, on things like soil conditions, how long they were buried and quality of the paint itself. I've managed to preserve more than a few through the years in the manner you described.
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