King tides & Nate = a little gold

Dirty Love

Elite Member
Jul 26, 2014
It took the king tides and Nate to finally make a difference around here. I gave up after a half dozen post Irma hunts and went back to work since finds were far and few for the time put in. The Gulf had been like a lake along the beaches till Nate passed by, and besides that the tourist hardly filled the hotels even on weekends since Irma.
*The king tides along with Nate's waves moved some sand around, but mostly off the beach, I got the most coin ($5.98)... all the greenies and a 14k & Titanium ring off the slope yesterday morning during a low tide... It was still too rough to go in the water.
*This morning from the water scooped up a chain & 2 rings that are 925, $3.92 in coin and lots of lead and trash.
>>>The Gold ring is unmarked, but held its mark at 14k.


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:dingding: Good to see somebody finding something in Florida!
Great report Dirty! Also thats a massive haul overall and the Gold! You hit it just right!
Yep Mud, Early bird gets the booty, thanks

Congrats on the gold and silver! That's a nice amount of change too! :D
Thanks, many coins on the washed down slope Monday, many barely below the sand.

Very nice, that's a ton of scooping there! Congratz on the cheddar!
Thanks MN, most items found were on Monday...Easier to PP, scoop and move on to the next.

Awesome ring find. Congrats!
Thanks GS

:dingding: Good to see somebody finding something in Florida!
You guys getting blown away over there? Winds out of the east have kept the Gulf calm since Irma...This was my first Gold in a month.
That's a TON of targets, you must be one some good conditions right now.
Yeah, that was two exercising days,... took it easy and mowed the lawn today. Thanks Zee

Lots of crusties in there. Congrats on the unique gold
Thanks Steve, It is a different animal. I was thinking custom and was hoping to see a signature.
Nice pile of targets. I love it when the clad is all green like that. That means mother nature has grouped many years of targets together.
Very cool funky gold! :thumbsup:
Looks like a good reward for a lot of work! Glad at least one of those typhoons, er...i mean -- hurricanes did you a favor! :lol:
Thats nice of the tourists to leave you gold and silver.:yes:
Yes, the tourist are my friends...I appreciate their visits. Thanks MA

Nice pile of targets. I love it when the clad is all green like that. That means mother nature has grouped many years of targets together.
King tides were as high, if not higher, as if it were a TS storm surge, and with Nate's rollers reaching all the way over here it really exposed some fresh area to hunt, but so far just one gold ring:(

Awesome hunt and very cool looking gold DL- congrats!
Thanks Compass

You are doing wel DL. That's a nice looking collection of green coins. I like it like that. Now go back and pull some more gold. Nice showing Buddy.
Thanks DD, been hitting it all week, but no real treasure to show yet.

Great haul DL:yes: that broken odd shaped yellow would have sounded crazy if you were using a VLF :D
Hunting in PP with the ExCal, Signal was good enough to dig even with out switching to disc. Thanks 18k

Nice haul! That ring is cool.
Thanks Whirly, It is different.

Very cool funky gold! :thumbsup:
Looks like a good reward for a lot of work! Glad at least one of those typhoons, er...i mean -- hurricanes did you a favor! :lol:
Got that right TK, Major high tides with a little wave wash beach action can sometimes be a good thing. Thanks
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