Time's Getting Short...


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Apr 14, 2017
NW Ohio
Had the day off from work today, and intended to spend the day detecting some fields. Instead I'm staring out the window at the snow coming down...and sticking!

Not too long before everything gets put away for the season, I suppose...but half of my field permissions still have corn standing in them! :shock: I guess I got spoiled last year hunting into mid-December :(
My guess on long term weather forecasting is that we/you will get a warm spell in the next few weeks.
At least I hope so and the farmers do need to get the corn harvested.
I prefer to hunt in the Winter than the middle of the Summer...This Sport is doable in some of the worse conditions, except for extreme heat!....John Edmonton goes year round, and he lives next door to Santa Claus! :laughing:

Winter Hunting is Great! ...Nobody is out, theres snow to eat if a guy gets thirsty, no bugs, a guy can do a nice orderly grid....

All a guy has to do is think a little different, find some open water, or find some unfrozen dirt, hunt sled hills, parking lot snowpiles, etc...a guy can bag coil and hunt in 6" of snow right down into the thawed dirt underneath...

...A guy can even hunt over frozen dirt even though you cant dig anything, you can get an idea of whats there to go back for when it does thaw in the Spring...So thats 'Money in the Bank'...

About all I cant hunt in the Winter is frozen wood chip totters...Once they freeze, those targets are locked in! Its like trying to stab through a sheet of 3/4" OSB!:laughing:

You can go all day in the Winter, you dont get overheated, its gray, no Sun, a guy gets lost in the fog and forgets what time it is...You should gear up and give it a Go this Season AT! I think you'd be pretty good at it! Some of the Northern Waterbabies are flat ridiculous though...:laughing:


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We are looking at record lows tomorrow, 16, throw in windchill and it's colder than I want to hunt. I was planning on going to my first seeded hunt, but I'm kinda torn. Low temps might keep the fair weather detectorists at home and leave more silver for me, but frostbite sucks.
We are looking at record lows tomorrow, 16, throw in windchill and it's colder than I want to hunt. I was planning on going to my first seeded hunt, but I'm kinda torn. Low temps might keep the fair weather detectorists at home and leave more silver for me, but frostbite sucks.

Get yourself some HotHands toe warmers and go KILL that hunt! The HH toe warmers are Self adhesive! Stick them all over your rig, head, hands, whatever! You will be so toasty warm you can hunt in a tee shirt!

Or hell! better idea! Buy several boxes! Show up tomorrow and sell them to the other hunters at $2 per pack and make your entrance fee back X10! :laughing: Then take your proceeds and go buy some silver coins at the LCS!...


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Get yourself some HotHands toe warmers and go KILL that hunt! The HH toe warmers are Self adhesive! Stick them all over your rig, head, hands, whatever! You will be so toasty warm you can hunt in a tee shirt!

Or hell! better idea! Buy several boxes! Show up tomorrow and sell them to the other hunters at $2 per pack and make your entrance fee back X10! :laughing: Then take your proceeds and go buy some silver coins at the LCS!...

The wife's workplace has figured out it's cheaper to hand out those handwarmers than to turn up the heat. When it's really cold they give a couple to everybody, she doesn't use them and brings them home to me. I have a couple dozen laying around. I bet I could sell them for a rosie each or 3 for a pre64 quarter. I am trying my best to talk her into going, been cleaning house all day and will have dinner ready when she gets home. She has a few hours time on a Bounty Hunter Lonestar, but has managed 4 silvers. About the same as I have with hundreds of hours on the pro.
Brrrrr!? what is all that white stuff on the ground? Is that normal? lol.

Side note, put one of those warmer pads on the back of your neck. Works great!.
Woke up this morning with a howling NW 30mph wind, & a dusting of snow,
It's looking like old man winter is making his return....
and the season is coming to and end for many of us :tissue:

I've been hoping for a few more hunts, before the big freeze.
Having rain and colder temps in the last 9 days,
the ground is starting to get firm.
Daytime temps aren't supposed to get past 40
till the middle of next week :no:
I just put a fresh Edge on my digging tools. I figure if I can sit in a deer stand or out in a duck blind when it's freezing rain I can dress warm and try to cut a plug.

They are talking snow on Tuesday which will help insulate the ground some plus a warm up at the end of our 7-Day. If you can call it a warm up normal November Temps.
Kinda glad we don't get snow in Perth, then again, it would be cool (pun not intended :roll:) to get it every now and then, so long it doesn't stop me from hunting. We had a nice 91F yesterday, and today we've got around 80F. Good hunting weather
Here's some winter detecting scenes for ya. Not sure what kind of detector Nicolas Cage was using, but it was beeping like a hospital monitor, and clicking like a Geiger counter. :laughing: I like his digging tool though.


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Went out today and the shaded ground was rock hard! Might have to get me one of those ice hammers or a real sharp spud bar!!! :D
The leaves are falling and the underbrush is dying off. Can start getting into the woods again without looking like I got in a fight with Wolverine.
Had the day off from work today, and intended to spend the day detecting some fields. Instead I'm staring out the window at the snow coming down...and sticking!

Not too long before everything gets put away for the season, I suppose...but half of my field permissions still have corn standing in them! :shock: I guess I got spoiled last year hunting into mid-December :(
Same here AT
I prefer to hunt in the Winter than the middle of the Summer...Winter Hunting is Great! ...Nobody is out, theres snow to eat if a guy gets thirsty, no bugs, a guy can do a nice orderly grid:

Totally agree Mud! I haven’t been out seriously since spring!

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