First Ring Return! And it feels so good!


Junior Member
Nov 20, 2016
Technically this should be under the "Lost and found" category, most likely, but since it was a beach find I figured I would share it with you guys.
I found this ring back in March of this year. I cleaned it up good, and held onto it as one of my trophies. Well, fate seemed that I was destined to get this ring back to its proper owner.
I reached out to FelixtheCat about two weeks ago and actually got out hunting with him last weekend. We got to talking over finds and adventures, and what are the chances that the only class ring I found thus far belongs to an alumnus of the high school he works at. Well, I told him I was ready to return the ring and he made the proper arrangements.

I shall let the young lady remain relatively anonymous by name, but it was a pleasure to meet her and get the ring back to her. She was beyond ecstatic and emotional over the reunion. I'm not quite sure what pretenses Felixthecat got this young lady to the school for the ring return (probably college things or visiting an old teacher), but she was completely blindsided by the reveal and had no idea that this was the TRUE reason for her return to the high school campus. This was an AMAZING experience for me and I look forward to ring returns in the future. Currently trying to work on another return (an engraved men's wedding band) at this current moment in time. Don't mind my super cheesy smile. It is hands down one of my favorite moments in my thus far relatively short detecting career.


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Clad-crusty, there's no monetary value at all, that can put a price on that. Love those repatriation reunion stories . Money can't buy that type of satisfaction. Another Sherlock Holmes "whodunnit mystery" solved by an md'r. Good on you ! Thanx for sharing the pix.
congrats on the find and return. not all returns are great:mad:

Yes. I had one go sour (an ingrate, who I practically had to BEG to believe I wasn't a prank caller). And because of some stories of "gone sour" are out there, I know some md'rs who make no effort. But I still think it's worth the risk, for the few persons who do show gratitude. And those stories , like this, that make the hobby look good, etc...
Sure a great find and story of return.
Finding something super is what we are out there for, but a return of a personal item out weighs any keeper.
May the ring of gold be in your ears and its glitter in your scoop!

PS love the Jamaican flag. A great vacation island.
Yup, the thrill of the return is pretty addictive. You watch how fast you will try to duplicate it.
I returned one to the father of the young lady who lost it. She had gotten a replacement and did not really care but Dad was pleased.

I had one young lady ask me to come look for her ring I was worn out, overheated, dehydrated, and really did not feel like going and hunting for the ring. But I did and really regretted putting fourth the effort.

When I found her ring and handed it to her she said a half hearted "Thanks" and walked off to join her friends

I have has returns that the joy and sometimes tears expressed by the individual made the effort to be very rewarding.

Each return is different.
Awesome job on the return. I'm really hoping I one day have the chance to do the same for someone. These stories are the best.
My fashion sense is avante-garde, to say the least:laughing::laughing::laughing:

Comfort >>>>fashion. Just be lucky I have clothes on man:laughing:

I kid! Hey though, those are really great pics and the post about the return! Good on ya for brightening up somebodies day! "We seek what is lost"..Ya just never know what the next signal will be...might be a worthless tab or a penny, might just be an uplifting experience!
What a beautiful ring and story!! The smiles alone were worth opening the thread. Awesome job!!!
Great pictures and return! Hats off to you Sir Krusty!
.... When I found her ring and handed it to her she said a half hearted "Thanks" and walked off to join her friends ....

That happened to a friend of mine. He was in a good erosion spot scallop, digging lots of targets. Someone came and asked him for help in finding a ring. So he left his good spot, and headed WAY down the beach. A long walk for a guy pushing his 70th birthday. The young college age student showed him an area where he suspected the ring had been lost in.

My friend proceeded to grid the area, while the college kid had gone back to playing volleyball at the nearby court . After about an hour, my friend found the ring. He motioned to the volleyball player, who seemed annoyed that his volleyball game was being interrupted. Came over, grabbed the ring, and just said "cool". And ran back to his volleyball game. Not even so much as a thankyou !

My friend hiked back down the beach to his eroded scallop spot, only to see that the tide had now come up and covered it over. He doesn't mind helping people, and doesn't expect any pay, but .... you're right, a bit of human element gratitude for our time, energy, strength, and effort, is in order.

But as you say, each return is different. There are , fortunately, more happy reunions , that make for fun stories, than there are ingrates.
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