A way to clean those orange-red brown dug nickels

Very interesting technique - thanks for posting this! I’ve not seen Gojo used to clean nickels before, but it looks like I’ll be buying a bottle and experimenting with it a little also, starting with some older Jeffersons. Any idea what the active ingredient is that’s cutting through the corrosion? Or could it just be the abrasive properties? So far my best luck cleaning older nickels has been very careful use of SOS pads or 0000 steel wool.

That Shield nickel is in fantastic shape, by the way!
Thanks for sharing, I've got a bunch of red-brown Buffs I would like to clean. I wonder how it would do getting the red oxide off copper. Thanks again HH Mark
Definitely a scratching hazard with the grit in the soap, but seems like a cool idea to try out.
GOJO results on a v-nickel

Tried the GOJO on a v-nickel this week.


  • V-Nickel 1887 Side 1.jpg
    V-Nickel 1887 Side 1.jpg
    35.2 KB · Views: 797
  • V-Nickel 1887 Side 2.jpg
    V-Nickel 1887 Side 2.jpg
    40.4 KB · Views: 807
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